On National Nature Photography Day: Thank you photographers

June 15 is National Nature Photography Day -- a time we can recognize and say "Thank you" for the wonderful and important work of the dedicated photographers who show us things and places we might otherwise never see.
Mountaineers Books Mountaineers Books
June 15, 2018
On National Nature Photography Day: Thank you photographers
Camp mate on a winter shooting outing in the Alaska Range. By Carl Battreal.

Today is National Nature Photography Day. Mountaineers Books and, especially our conservation imprint, Braided River, works with a number of amazingly talented and dedicated nature photographers. These folks frequently spend long hours alone in the wild capturing images that the rest of us would never see without them. These images have a huge impact on how we come to understand and feel about nature. Often their photos are the only reference we have for faraway places, and they move us to care about those environments. Nature photographers are on the leading edge of connecting us emotionally to the world that we depend on for all of our physical needs and for which degradation in a faraway place  affects the place where we live.

So on this day, we want to recognize the important work of these important truth tellers. We wish we had more room to share more of their work. This is just a small offering. Thank you, nature photographers, for the enlightenment you provide.

HUGE ROSE, from A Wild Promise


FLORIAN SCHULZ, from Yellowstone to Yukon
(Florian's images illustrate a current article on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in  National Geographic magazine.)

Florian Schulz-Y2Y.jpg

JOE RIIS, from Yellowstone Migrations


DAVE SHOWALTER, from Sage Spirit


AMY GULICK, from Salmon in the Trees

AmyGulick-Salmon in the Trees-bear.jpg

CARL JOHNSON, from Where Water is Gold


GERRIT VYN, from The Living Bird


STEVEN GNAM, from Crown of the Continent


CARL BATTREALL, from Alaska Range


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(Photo at top: "The photographer's camp mate on a winter outing, shooting in the Alaska Range." By Carl Battreall.)