Online Wilderness Navigation Course open for registration

An online version of the popular Wilderness Navigation course is now open for student enrollment. Learn more and sign up now.
The Mountaineers The Mountaineers
March 07, 2016
Online Wilderness Navigation Course open for registration

The Mountaineers is now accepting students for its first online course: Wilderness Navigation. The course, offered in partnership by the Seattle and Foothills branches, is part of a pilot project to discover how the organization can serve students who prefer online learning or for those who don't live close to where an in-person workshop is offered.

Would you like to learn how to avoid getting lost? Are you planning to go off trail where good navigation skills are needed? If so then this in-depth navigation course is for you, whether you are a Mountaineers member or not.

The course is two parts: 1) an online workshop covering the same material as the in-person class, with access to an online forum and individual chat sessions with instructors. And 2) a one-day in-person field trip - near Stevens Pass - taken by all Wilderness Navigation students whether they take the workshop online or in-person. 

This course is a graduation requirement for other Mountaineers courses including Basic Alpine Climbing, Alpine Scrambling, Backcountry Snowshoeing, and others. People who complete this course will receive a Navigation badge valid for 3 years. 

Students must complete both the online workshop and the in-person field trip to earn their graduation badge for this skill.

The Seattle/Foothills branches are accepting 24 students in this Spring pilot course. Students will have the opportunity to interact with an instructor to answer questions and receive additional help. 

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roberto pazos
roberto pazos says:
Nov 07, 2021 03:41 AM

I am living in Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, NW Spain.
There are 6378.137 km from Seattle.

JK Rockett
JK Rockett says:
Nov 09, 2021 09:18 AM

Greetings from Seattle, Roberto! You can see a list of current Navigation course offerings by following this link:

We don't have any fully online offerings at this time (all of these courses have at least one in-person field trip or workshop as well) but the Intro to Map & Compass course has an online lecture component that provides a great overview of core navigation concepts at a low price point! Take a look and let me know if you have any questions.