There is Big News for outdoor recreation from Olympia! On February 13th Governor Inslee announced the formation of a Blue Ribbon Task Force on Outdoor Recreation in Washington State.
Read the official proclamation and more on his Blue Ribbon Task Force!
Outdoor recreation activities in Washington directly support 227,000 jobs and consumers spend $22.5 billion on outdoor recreation equipment, apparel, lodging, and other services, generating $1.6 billion in state and local tax revenue (see the Outdoor Industry Association for more information).
The Mountaineers was proud to be a part of the event, representing our members, our conservation work and human-powered user groups as part of the Big Tent Coalition. We believe that outdoor recreationists have a unique obligation to engage and be involved in the conservation of our public lands for future generations. Based on our legacy of stewardship and conservation work, land managers and policy makers recognize The Mountaineers as a reputable and responsible stakeholder, and an important and balanced voice for conservation and recreational access. Read more on the Big Tent's 2013 work.
Governor Inslee perhaps said it best, “This isn’t just about Washington’s economy. This is also about a generational legacy in our state. We need to leave a Washington that allows every single one of us – young or old – to experience, play and relax in some of the most beautiful trails, parks and lakes in the world. I know we can find a way forward to making sure Washington’s beautiful outdoor spaces are promoted and preserved for generations to come.”