The Photography Committee encourages members to develop their photographic skills and creative visions through various activities and programs offered throughout the year. Monthly potlucks are held the third Wednesday of each month. It's a opportunity to socialize and share images. We also have classes and field trips, and we're looking for your feedback to determine what we offer moving forward!
How you can help us
In order to help evolve the Seattle Photography Committee, we would like input from Mountaineers members.
What photography workshops would interest you? What kinds of photography activities would you like to participate?
Even if you haven't participated with any activities with the Photography Committee, your input is valuable. Please take four minutes to fill out our survey.
Your answers are anonymous, and will be used to help us create photography opportunities you're excited about.
Get involved
Want to learn more? Check out our photography committee page or see our upcoming activities. Everyone can be a great photographer, and we encourage you to sign up today!