Walk Turkey's Lycian Way with Global Adventures

Among all the places to hike in the world, Turkey's oldest long trail, the Lycian Way, offers one of the most amazing experiences. On this hike, ancient history and culture come alive! Don't miss your opportunity to hike the Lycian Way with one of our wonderful Global Adventures hike leaders, Jacqui Sinatra, next April!
Cheryl Talbert Cheryl Talbert
Global Adventures Co-Chair and Super Volunteer
September 05, 2023
Walk Turkey's Lycian Way with Global Adventures
Picnic under Lycian sarcophagi near the village of Sidyma. Photo by Cheryl Talbert.

The first time I ever hiked on the Lycian Way, the oldest of Turkey's long trails, I was gobsmacked by the casual juxtaposition of ancient history and daily life. 

We were hiking far above the Mediterranean in the foothills of the Taurus Mountains through a clot of multi-colored goats yelling their  baaahs and blehs. Blue water glimmered far below, and out of the bright red field of poppies we encountered one, then two, then a dozen tumble-down Lycian sarcophagi, each one ornately carved.

We picked our way downhill between the sarcophagi and past the remains of a Moorish castle wall to a lovely bay with more sarcophagi in the water. We came across a stand run by a local family who our local guide, of course, knew well, Kids ran about, moms and daughters poured fresh pomegranate juice for neighbors and family, grandmas rolled gosleme (a type of filled pancake). 

After having a tasty snack and drink, we boarded a boat to cruise past an offshore island with steps and ruins from a far-past civilization half sunk in  the water. We stopped for an hour or so to leap into the warm Mediterranean waters. 

The day ended at a little cliff-side village hotel with (you guessed it!) more sarcophagi engulfed in the water.  We wandered far above the city to an Ottoman fortress, then back down to an amazing dinner of some of the best food I've ever tasted. 

This was just one day on the Lycian Way.  Other days included a night in the home of the Mayor of Beymelek, a night in the home of a lovely village woman in Sidyma, a morning exploring a seldom-visited archaeological site with rock-cut tombs  from the second century B.C., a chance conversation with a nomad woman carrying a big machete to cut branches for her baby goats, a lovely opportunity to sit beside a parade of colorfully dressed nomadic peoples passing by on a festival day.  This is an experience that would be hard to duplicate anywhere else.

Take the opportunity to create memories like these by signing up for the upcoming Global Adventures trip to Turkey. Taking place in April and led by experienced leader, Jacqui Sinatra, you'll leave the trip overflowing with memories to treasure. And who knows, you might love it so much that you'll go back twice more like I did. 

Read more about our April Global Adventures trip to Turkey and apply for a spot! 

Hike the Lycian Way with Global Adventures!   

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