Donations protect the outdoor experience

Every change we make to reduce our impact, and every voice that joins to advocate on behalf of the natural world, is a step in the right direction. Philanthropic support allows our community to have an outsized impact on conservation policy and empowers recreationists to find their role in protecting the outdoor experience. We are well on our way to our spring fundraising goals, and every donation makes a difference.
The Mountaineers The Mountaineers
May 17, 2023
Donations protect the outdoor experience
Photo by Garrett Arnold.

Next weekend an estimated 22.6 million people will go camping across the US, and even more will get outside for the day to enjoy parks, forests, waterways, and other outdoor spaces. We love to see people enjoying the outdoors, and believe that each of us has a role in conserving the natural world—and the outdoor experiences we love—for future generations.

The size of our membership, the breadth of our reach, and our reputation in the outdoor community means that The Mountaineers can have an outsized impact on policy, regionally and nationally. Our collective voice as advocates has added weight because so many members also participate in on-the-ground stewardship. Will you make a gift to conserve public lands and the outdoor experience for generations to come?

Donate to conserve the outdoor experience

When you donate to The Mountaineers, we are able to engage policymakers around important conservation priorities that impact our community. As a donor, you ensure that our community has a voice on issues small and large—from the operating hours at our local parks to protections for vast wilderness areas. You help reduce our collective carbon footprint through energy efficient upgrades to our gathering spaces. And your generosity promotes stewardship and conservation ethics for our international community of members and readers through books and programs.

Donations of all sizes help advocate on behalf of the natural world and protect the outdoor experience.

  • $50 puts an impactful conservation book on the shelf of a library or classroom, inspiring community members to engage in public lands protection.
  • $100 provides an activity for a Mountaineers youth program about the importance of low impact recreation and protecting public lands.
  • $250 funds a day of advocacy in Olympia, meeting with policymakers on behalf of the outdoor recreation community.
  • $1,000 funds an energy-efficient upgrade at a Mountaineers lodge to reduce our collective carbon footprint.


May Matching Donation Challenge

In an effort to promote sustaining gifts, a long-time Mountaineers member has offered a match challenge: for each new monthly donation we secure in May, they will add an additional one-time donation of $500, up to $5,000! We’re looking for at least ten people this month to commit to a monthly donation of any size to unlock the matching funds. 


Start a new monthly donation for a free gift

In addition to seeing our outdoor community thrive as a result of your generosity, we also have a special gift for new monthly donors. If you set up a monthly donation of $25 or more, we’ll send you a set of adventure journals to document your excursions, with plenty of blank space for your inner artist or poet. Did you set up a recurring payroll donation? No problem! Send your confirmation email to

May is a season of grassroots support at The Mountaineers – every year, hundreds of Mountaineers members make spring gifts at all levels in support of our vision to Adventure with Purpose. The Mountaineers® is a 501(c)(3) organization supported through earned revenue and elevated through charitable contributions. Tax ID:27-3009280. 7700 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115.

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