

Adventure Profiles

Top 10 Trip Reports - January 2024

A collection of trip reports that plays with fire... Oh wait, not fire... plays with ice, considerable avy conditions, atmospheric rivers, and just about everything else that one could expect of an El Niño winter. Read on, dear friends, for a double summit, an adequate pit toilet, the Silly Stilly, and (my personal favorite) "snack ledge." Read more…

Tech Update 4.5 - Bulk Roster Updates, Practice Sessions, Site Search, and More

Since our update last spring, we’ve been working on many improvements to our website to support the work of our volunteer leaders and to make accessing information easier for everyone. This round includes improvements to rosters - including the ability to bulk update, sort by all columns, and have “sticky headers” to make navigating long rosters easier. We also upgraded our site search functionality to be smarter and more dynamic, specifically to help folks find our Mountaineers Books titles. We added the option to schedule Practice Sessions and eLearning courses, improving leader and member experience. Plus, we made many other small fixes to improve your overall website experience. Read more…

Join us for Mountaineers Summer Camps 2024

Summer camp comes in all shapes and sizes, and Mountaineers Youth Programs are no exception. Since the inception of our youth programming in 2011, we’ve had the pleasure of welcoming participants of all ages to our Seattle and Tacoma Program Centers, as well as the lands and waters of the PNW. This summer, we’re excited to introduce a new Foothills Day Camp program, and continue our Overnight Lodge Camp programs for their second year with sessions running at all three Mountaineers lodges in 2024. Read more…

Global Adventures | Medieval Babies and Overstuffed Ski Bags

In the winter of 1205, two Norwegian Birkebeiner warriors donned crude plank skis and shuffled off into severely cold, windy weather to cross a snowy mountain, one of them carrying a swaddled baby on his back. Their mission? To safely transport the baby 54 kilometers from Lillehammer to Rena as a civil war raged. The child was heir to the throne and being targeted by a faction competing with the more dominant Birkebeiners, to whom he belonged. Read more…

Mount Rainier National Park Announces Timed Entry Reservations for Summer 2024

Note: The Park's timed entry FAQ webpage is the best resource with the most up to date information on how to visit Mount Rainier National Park  during summer 2024.

Last week, Mount Rainier National Park announced that many visitors will need reservations to access the park through popular entrances during peak hours this summer. From May 24 through Labor Day, most visitors entering through the Nisqually and Stevens entrances between 7am and 3pm will need to make an online or phone reservation ahead of time. Reservations will also be required at the White River entrance beginning July 3 and lasting through Labor Day.  Read more…

Mountaineer of the Week: Logan DeGrand

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to... Read more…

Remembering Mountaineer Storm Yanicks

We are deeply saddened to share the news of the passing of Storm Yanicks, 32-year Mountaineers member, former Mountaineers Books employee, and dedicated past Chair of the Retired Rovers. Storm passed away on December 14, 2023.  Read more…

From ATVs to Nordic Skis: How Alaska Shaped My Love for the Outdoors

I got my first snowmachine when I was two, my first ATV when I was four, and my first gun when I was nine. My snowmachine was an Arctic Cat “Kitty Cat,” a real, gas-drinking motorized vehicle, miniaturized with a 90s brand of teal and purple striping on black casing. The ATV – four wheels for four years – was a zippy red Suzuki. My first gun was a BB. Read more…

Be a part of the 10th Edition of "Mountaineering: The Freedom of the Hills"

Books are portals to new places. I’ve experienced this time and again as a lifelong reader. The book that is featured most prominently in my life, hands down, is a Mountaineers Books classic that propelled me on a path to a new passion and community — Mountaineering: The Freedom of the Hills. Today I’m proud to support Mountaineers Books as a donor because of the impact I can help make possible through values-based nonprofit publishing. Read more…

Speak Up for Climate-Resilient Forests

Note: this public comment period has closed. We'll keep our community updated on future developments in this process.

When the Pacific Northwest “Timber Wars” reached a boiling point in the early 1990s, federal agencies turned to scientists to find a solution. The result was the creation of the U.S. Forest Service’s landmark 1994 Northwest Forest Plan. For nearly 30 years, the plan has attempted to strike a balance between conservation and timber industry interests on federally-managed lands in Washington, Oregon, and Northern California. But threats and pressures to our forests have changed dramatically since the plan’s inception. Wildfires have grown in intensity and range, and scientists and policy-makers have a better understanding of the urgent need to slow and mitigate the impacts of climate change. Read more…

Mountaineer of the Week: Melina Bond

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to... Read more…

Discovering Picos de Europa in Spain's Green Heart

Join the upcoming May 2024 Mountaineers Global Adventure  for moderate day hikes among dramatic limestone peaks and lush valleys of the third highest mountain range in Spain. Our destination, Picos de Europa National Park, is in the heart of Green Spain. Trip leader, Roseanne Lorenzana, visited there in May 2023 and declares it a “must-see” for all who love tranquil mountain hikes, spring flowers, local history, and food culture. Read more…

How To: Behavior Complaint Form

At The Mountaineers, we strive to create policies and learning environments that foster experiences where all participants feel belonging. To support this goal, we have a Member Code of Ethics to define expectations for members and leaders for a welcoming, inclusive, and respectful community. We developed these comprehensive policies so that everyone understands our expectations for how we should treat one another and for how we handle complaints of inappropriate behavior.  Read more…

Peak Performance | Incorporating Recovery Into Your Training Routine

Living a modern lifestyle means keeping up with a lot, especially if you want to fit everything in. When it comes to trips outdoors, how do you balance training hard to perform while feeling rested enough so you can be your best? How do you avoid the risk of burnout, injury, and exhaustion? The answer is recovery. Read more…

2023 Recap: A Year In Review

The Mountaineers is an incredible community of outdoor enthusiasts, students, instructors, advocates, and leaders dedicated to fostering connections to the outdoors. As we close the door on 2023 and look ahead to 2024, we reflect on the core of our mission: to connect people to the natural world and to each other. Take a look back on our collective achievements and how our strategic goals – Lead, Engage, and Advocate – guided us this past fiscal year (Oct 1 - Sep 30.) Read more…

Youth Outside | Unlocking Adventure: The Seattle Day Camp Lottery

Being someone who hasn't yet experienced parenthood, I'm unfamiliar with the most challenging aspects of raising children. However, as a summer camp professional, I do have a backstage pass to what appears to be one of the more stressful parts of being a Seattle area guardian: camp registration. For camps in the Seattle region, summer camp enrollment can begin as early as January. In the thick of winter, with summer far behind, families play scheduling Tetris to guarantee childcare and transformative summer experiences for their kids. Read more…

New eLearning Course: Advocacy 101

The outdoor adventures made possible through The Mountaineers would cease to exist without conserved public lands and waters, climate-resilient landscapes, and sustainable recreational access. A critical component of adventuring with purpose is advocating to protect public lands, fight the climate crisis, and improve the human-powered outdoor experience. You don’t have to be a policy expert to make a difference for the lands you love. As someone who cares deeply about the outdoors, you’re well positioned to be an effective outdoor advocate - it just takes a little time and training. Read more…

Foothills Volunteer Spotlight: John Gilbert

Meet John, a hike, scramble, snowshoe, and cross-country ski leader who is also the Chair of the Foothills Cross-Country Skiing Committee and organizes the Foothills Wilderness Navigation course. John has earned numerous Key Leader, Key Instructor, and Super Volunteer badges for his contributions to The Mountaineers. Read more…

Did You Know? DIY Snowshoes

Getting new winter gear is usually great for the ego and painful for the bank account... but it doesn’t have to be. Did you know you can make your own snowshoes? And for quite cheap, too. Read more…

Mountaineer of the Week: Kathy Biever

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to... Read more…

We did it! Mountaineers Give More Than $210K at Year-End

You did it! Together we raised more than $210,000 and smashed our year-end goal. Read more…

Explore the Outdoors with Seattle Mini Mountaineers!

At The Mountaineers, we believe strongly in the importance of getting kids outside.  The benefits of spending time outdoors - for both kids and adults - are so numerous they can hardly be overstated. Unstructured time spent outside builds confidence and promotes creativity. It gets us moving and inspires wonder.  For all these reasons, we are thrilled to offer you and your family another season of our Mini Mountaineers program!  Read more…

Mountainfilm On Tour - Bellevue, "Big Green World," Jan 11

This year’s Bellevue Mountainfilm on Tour film program, Big Green World, highlights films on environmentalism, ecology, stewardship of our lands and wild places, adventure, and emotional engagement with the outdoors. Travel to places such as the rain forests of the Amazon Basin, the coast of Scotland, and the Baffin Islands of Nunavut. Don't miss the highline rope walk between two hot air balloons at 6,300 feet! Read more…

Olympia Banff Film Festival - March 1-3

The Banff Mountain Film Festival is back to bring the best action, environment, and adventure films to Olympia! Join us March 1-3 at the Capitol Theater to experience these films on the big screen. The playlists are different each night, so come for one night, or all three! Discount tickets are available if you purchase a ticket for multiple nights. Read more…

BeWild: Salmon, Cedar, Rock & Rain - Feb 15

The Mountaineers BeWild Speaker Series puts passion and adventure on center stage. Join us at BeWild with Salmon, Cedar, Rock & Rain: Washington's Olympic Peninsula contributors on February 15 to unlock inspiration, seek adventure, connect with nature, and work to protect the wild places we cherish. Read more…

Top 10 Trip Reports - December 2023

Enjoy a collection of trip reports that floats like a butterfly, stings like a bee, and may ruffle the feathers of our piqued and potent powder hounds. Read on, dear friends, for a bright-yellow rump, an ode to Charles Dickens, hoar frost, the mighty useful herringbone, and (painfully) varied early season conditions. Read more…

Top 10 Mountaineers of Instagram: Inspiration for 2024

The Mountaineers launched our Instagram (@mountaineersorg) in 2014 as a way to celebrate the adventurous spirit of our community, the beauty of our natural landscapes, and the myriad types of outdoor experiences we have access to in the Pacific Northwest. From star-lit campsites to sun-kissed summits to smile-filled stewardship, Mountaineers are eager to share their photo-rich trip reports and inspire others to appreciate and protect the special places that we’re lucky enough to call home. Read more…

Impact Giving | A Classroom With a View

In a North Seattle public school, 65 miles from Mt. Rainier, Kelsey Hoffman’s classroom is engaged in an unusual last-day-of-school activity. Read more…

You Love Being Outside and You Don't Stop There

We know it: you love being outside. Whether on calm waterways, crackling glaciers, bustling city parks, or quiet old growth forests, you find joy and connection outdoors. And as a Mountaineer, you don’t stop there. Read more…