

Adventure Profiles

Vote Now! Board & Branch Elections - 2023

As a 501(c)(3) volunteer-led organization, The Mountaineers depends on the generosity, initiative, and leadership of our volunteers to steward the future of our organization. We are humbled by the service provided by Board and branch directors whose positions are confirmed by members each year. Thank you for all you do as members to elevate our mission, and for your participation in the forthcoming election process for these organization-wide leaders. Read more…

Vote Now! Olympia Branch Elections 2023

The Olympia Branch has three outstanding candidates for three open positions in the 2023-2024 officer’s council. The open positions are branch director, chair-elect, and treasurer.  Read more…

Vote Now! Foothills Branch Elections 2023

The Foothills Branch Council plays a critical role in the future direction of our branch, supporting and resourcing our program and activity committees, so we can provide experiences and learning to our members. We invite all Foothills Branch members to participate in the elections from August 31 - September 22, 2023. Read more…

How LWCF is Helping Conserve the Central Cascades

Earlier this month, we celebrated the three-year anniversary of the passage of the Great American Outdoors Act (GAOA). GAOA is already making a difference on the ground for Washington’s public lands and the transformational recreation opportunities they provide. In fact, GAOA funding is powering current public lands projects in Washington like the Stevens Canyon Road improvements in Mount Rainier National Park, as well as several trail improvements in the Mountains to Sound Greenway. Read more…

2023 Wildfire Closures and Resources

Wildfire season, unfortunately, is becoming a regular reality for residents in Washington state and beyond. Wildfires are burning across our region and smoke is causing extremely poor air quality in some counties. We ask you to practice good decision-making skills and respect public land closures when getting outside this summer. Read more…

Nominate a Leader for the 2023 Olympia Branch Service Award

Our volunteer leaders are a huge part of what makes the Olympia Branch such an inspiring, fun, and impactful community. Each year we honor the hard work and dedication of one Olympia volunteer by presenting them with the Branch Service Award. Read more…

Mountaineer of the Week: Rose Slater

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to... Read more…

2022 Impact Report: Strengthening Our Voice as Advocates

With the recent release of our annual impact report, we're celebrating all that donors and volunteers made possible through The Mountaineers in 2022. 

For more than 100 years, The Mountaineers has connected people in the outdoors. I’ve had the honor of building relationships with Mountaineers near and far, young and old, daring, mindful, good-humored, and passionate. I’ve been a student, colleague, mentor, and team member. And in each of these roles, I have deepened my relationship to the place that is my home. In fellowship and visitation, I have put down soggy Northwest roots and learned to love more corners of this wild and amazing planet than I ever knew existed. Read more…

Volunteer with Baker Lodge

Bring your work gloves and working spirit up to The Mountaineers Lodge at Mt. Baker!  Read more…

Youth Outside | The Intangible Takeaways: Reflections from summer camp

This article was written by Tailor Dolgin, Summer Camps Manager, and Maggie O'Shea, counselor in training.

Summer is a special season at The Mountaineers. Our program centers and lodges buzz with activity as campers fill the buildings, bringing with them their contagious excitement for making new friends and new connections to the outdoors. When campers, counselors, and counselors-in-training (CITs) come together, they create lasting memories — both blissful and challenging — that shape how they engage with the world around them. Tailor Dolgin, Camps Program Manager, and Maggie O'Shea, CIT, reflect on the growth they've seen and experienced as a part of our Summer Camp Programs. Read more…

2022 Impact Report: Creating a Culture of Belonging

With the recent release of our annual impact report, we're celebrating all that donors and volunteers made possible through The Mountaineers in 2022. 

When I joined The Mountaineers, I didn’t expect to become so fully immersed — taking courses, instructing, leading trips, and
volunteering on committees. My climbing partners who shared adventures with me in the mountains became lasting friends off
the mountain. My outdoor community simply became my community. Read more…

Get to Know Deloa Dalby, Foothills Conservation Committee Chair

Deloa Dalby has been the Foothills Conservation Committee Chairperson since its inception in 2019. With her experience as a member of the Board of Directors for the Mountains to Sound Greenway, she had just the right skills to establish a committee responsible for administering conservation, advocacy, restoration, and educational programs under the auspices of the Foothills Branch.  The Committee charter is organized under the CARE acronym for conservation, advocacy, restoration, and education. Read more…

Retro Rewind | A Family’s First Climb of Mt. Rainier, August 1974

On the blue-skied morning of August 9, 1974, I steer our 1969 Ford van, “Bessie,” into the parking lot at Paradise. With me are my 16-year-old daughter Kim, my 14-year-old son Harold, and our fellow Mountaineer, 16-year-old Ken Cook. The four of us have completed all but one of our required climbs for Seattle’s Basic Climbing Course, and we’ve chosen Mt. Rainier as our graduation goal — a mountain none of us has summited before. Read more…

Foothills Volunteer Spotlight: Matthew Shawhan

Meet Matthew Shawhan, a stewardship leader for the Foothills Branch who coordinates the branch's stewardship activities with Shadow Lake Preserve and has worked for many years with the Mountains to Sound Greenway. Read more…

Protecting Old Growth and Mature Forests

When was the last time you experienced the majestic natural splendor of one of Washington’s ancient forests? Groves of old fir, cedar, or hemlock trees towering above a trail, with thriving biodiversity below, can connect us to a different time in history. Old growth and mature forests can be found throughout Washington state, drawing Mountaineers and outdoor enthusiasts from all over to Olympic National Park and other outstanding recreational opportunities among these ancient forests like the North Fork Sauk River Trail on the Mount Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest. Read more…

Gear Grab - August 28

Have a gear wish list a mile long, or some extra gear you'd like to unload? Come to The Mountaineers Seattle Program Center from 6-8 pm on Monday, August 28 for our upcoming Gear Grab.  Read more…

Bookmarks | Dirty Gourmet Plant Power: Food for Your Outdoor Adventures

From the bestselling authors of Dirty Gourmet: Food for Your Outdoor Adventures, comes a brand new cookbook: Dirty Gourmet Plant Power. This cookbook focuses on vegan recipes with a global twist. In the spirit of accessibility, the authors have included snacks and meals that work great for every outdoor adventure: from play dates at the local park and picnics on the beach to urban and day hikes or longer wilderness outings. With details on how to dehydrate your own meals and helpful tips on equipment and basics to keep at hand, Dirty Gourmet Plant Power will have you enjoying scrumptious recipes like White Bean and Artichoke Pressed Sandwiches, Tahini Soba Noodles, and Pumpkin Pecan Pie Iron Waffles wherever you head outside. Read more…

Visit the Stevens Lodge this Summer

Looking to escape from the hustle and bustle of the city this summer? Come check out our Stevens Lodge, open now through September 30. Read more…

Mountaineer of the Week: Sarvinder Marwaha

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to... Read more…

2022 Impact Report: Innovating in Outdoor Education

With the recent release of our annual impact report, we're celebrating all that donors and volunteers made possible through The Mountaineers in 2022. 

The model of volunteer-led outdoor education at The Mountaineers is imbued with a sense of purpose that cultivates friendships, mentorships, and lifelong learning opportunities. We approach our outdoor pursuits with more than a “one and done” attitude; we build a culture that fosters collaboration between students and teachers and care for the natural world. And as our community grows out of authentic relationships, consistent values crop up across all activities: safety, respect, communication, and the joy of being outside together. Read more…

Foothills Branch Seeking New Treasurer For FY 2024

Want to get more involved with The Mountaineers and support programs at a foundational level? Consider becoming the Treasurer for the Foothills Branch. Read more…

How to Paint a Mountain Mural

Calm, centered, present, and grateful. Spending time outdoors makes me feel all of these things and more. A few years ago, I was inspired to bring that serenity indoors. Into my bedroom, specifically, via a mountain mural on the wall. Read more…

Top 10 Trip Reports - July 2023

Summer is well underway in the mountains. The snow is melting, the sun is shining, and the peaks are dressed with stunning, clear-skied views. For this month's Top Trip Reports, take a dunk in the White River, test your perseverance on the approach to Yellowjacket, enjoy the views on the Ptarmigan Traverse, and more! Read more…

Impact Giving | Homegrown Expertise and Values-Based Publishing

As an independent nonprofit publisher, one of the goals of Mountaineers Books is to amplify the values of Mountaineers members. The editorial team has a finger on the pulse of our outdoor community and chooses projects that help bring readers to the frontlines of outdoor education. Read more…

Mountaineer of the Week: Andy Zavada and Sheila Reynolds

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members and volunteers. For our volunteer profile this week we talked to... Read more…

Trip Report: Exploring Nature in Grand Teton National Park

Traveling to Grand Teton National Park in June of 2023 was a deeper and more meaningful experience than the first time I was there in 2010. What made the trip so enriching for me was the similarities of the flora that are found in both the Pacific Northwest and Wyoming. The forests and meadows were full of trees and flowers that were familiar and felt like “home.” I saw Ponderosa Pine, Douglas Fir, Arnica, Paintbrush, and Shooting Star.    Read more…

Impact Report for Fiscal Year 2022

We are excited to release our annual impact report in celebration of all that you made possible in fiscal year 2022. Read more…

7 of the Most Scenic Waterfalls in Washington

Washington State has more than its fair share of gorgeous waterfalls.  In Gregory Plumb's new book, Waterfall Atlas of the United States, he's compiled a comprehensive list of 141 of the most scenic waterfalls in Washington, but that would have made for a really long blog post, so we're only going to share 7 of of our favorites from the list.  Read more…

Outside Insights | The Amazing Night Sky

Mountaineers spend their days looking down the trail, across the horizon, and toward the peaks. We plan our logistics around daylight, often aiming to avoid pitch darkness. If we find ourselves in nightfall, we may briefly praise the luminous celestial bodies that dot the sky, but typically, our time in the night is temporary. Yet, extending time under the night sky is exactly what Alan Vogt and Keith Krumm encourage. Alan, the Seattle Night Sky Committee Chair, and Keith, a Seattle Night Sky Course instructor, are eager to pique curiosity about the astronomical entities that occupy our night sky. Read more…

Help Shape a More Sustainable Future for The Alpine Lakes Wilderness

The stunning natural beauty and rewarding backcountry experiences offered by the Alpine Lakes area of the central Cascades have inspired Mountaineers for generations. Our members hiked and climbed here before it was designated as a Wilderness area, and advocated for its protection as Wilderness in 1976. We even published a book that was instrumental in persuading President Gerald Ford to protect the Alpine Lakes, and we were involved in the successful campaign to expand the Wilderness in 2014. Read more…