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Summiting at Seventy: A septuagenarian's dedication to the alpine

Neal Kirby and his sprightly crew were the first to attempt Mt. Baker via Coleman Glacier last season after a washout added nearly ten miles to the climb. Being the first, they had the coveted and grueling responsibility of kick stepping and trail breaking through miles of fresh, untraveled snow. Black Buttes basecamp — their intended resting stop for the night — was just in sight when ominous clouds enveloped the mountain. With the warning flashes of fast-approaching lightning, no one was in the mood to become a hillside’s electrical conductor. They retreated to treeline and set up camp for the night. Read more…

2023 Block Party Recap: Celebrating the impact of Mountaineers Donors and Volunteers

Every year, thousands of members generously share their time, expertise, and financial resources to give back to our outdoor community and to Adventure with Purpose. They care deeply about creating an inclusive community around outdoor education and conservation. And this week, we threw a Block Party to express our appreciation, celebrate our mission impact, and have a bit of fun, too!  Read more…

Foothills Volunteer Spotlight: Bekah Schuring

Meet Bekah Schuring, a Foothills Backpacking leader and an instructor with the Backpacking Building Blocks (B3) Course. Bekah has been recognized for her leadership and contributions to the Foothills Branch with a Super Volunteer badge and a Key Instructor badge in 2022. Read more…

Foothills Branch Seeking New Chair-Elect

The Foothills Branch is seeking a new Chair-Elect! Want to get more involved with The Mountaineers and support programs at a foundational level? Consider becoming the Chair-Elect for the Foothills Branch. Read more…

CEO Update: State of the Organization Recap - April 2023

On April 27, 2023, staff and board members once again shared a “state of the organization” update with members of our community. For the last several years, our state of the organization updates largely focused on how we were navigating the COVID-19 pandemic. In this State of the Organization, we showed how we have largely moved beyond the challenges brought by the pandemic. We also celebrated highlights of our successes so far this year and previewed implementation of our newly-updated strategic plan, Adventure with Purpose. The Mountaineers is in a position of strength and poised to deepen the impact of our mission in the years ahead.  Read more…

Discover Your Backpacking Dreams and Unlock New Badges

Memorial Day has come and gone, and summer can't be too far behind, right? That means it's high time to get serious about planning your summer (and fall) backpack trips, and we can help. We have four Mountaineers backpacking award badges to offer ideas, inspiration, or perhaps a gentle nudge. Grab a friend or two or three and check them out, or join a Mountaineers backpack trip and leave the planning to us. Read more…

Thank you! $54,000 raised to support our growing outdoor community

Attempting a summit comes with a series of celebratory moments that inspire reflection, personal transformation, and overwhelming gratitude. And reaching the top takes commitment and encouragement along the way.  Read more…

Olympia Branch Conservation & Stewardship Committee Recognized with Forest Service Volunteer Award

The Olympic National Forest draws Mountaineers from all over the region year-round to hike, camp, and experience the natural beauty of the Olympic Peninsula. To harness our member’s passion for giving back to the natural world, our Olympia Branch has built a strong partnership with staff at the Forest Service. This partnership has led to many opportunities for members to give back through volunteer trail maintenance and outreach in the Olympic National Forest.
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Impact Giving | How Katie Strausz-Clark Adventures with Purpose

Katie Strausz-Clark was just 11 when she became a Mountaineer. As a kid in summer camp, her playtime was infused with values that might sound familiar. She learned how to be safe while trying new things and how to include everyone in the fun. She learned how her actions can impact the natural world and how she can use her voice to protect it.  Read more…

Mountaineer Magazine Summer 2023

As a Mountaineers member, you receive free access to our quarterly Mountaineer magazine, keeping you up-to-date with everything our organization and community have been up to. Hear from regular contributors on topics from training exercises to trail tips, and read features from our members sharing stories from the outdoors. We encourage you to access all of our updates, stories, tips, and more in the tree free online magazine today. Read more…

Top 10 Trip Reports - May 2023

"May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face." - Irish Blessing

Here's to a new month, new beginnings, and new adventures! Read on for our favorite trip reports from the month of May.  Read more…

$10,141 To Go To Reach Spring Goal

We are just $10,141 short of our goal to raise $55,000 by tomorrow. 324 members like you have already chipped in with donations of all sizes. Will you donate to help close the gap? Read more…

2022-2023 Leadership Development Series - it's a wrap!

After an exciting eight months, The Mountaineers wrapped up the fifth year of our Leadership Development Series this May. It was another year of high-quality, continuing education opportunities for our volunteer leaders. Thank you to all participants and presenters who joined us this past season! We are already excited for the next season of our Leadership Development Series starting in October 2024. Read more…

Seattle Branch: Seeking a New Treasurer for Fall 2023

Want to get more involved with The Mountaineers and support programs at a foundational level? Consider becoming the Treasurer for the Seattle Branch. Read more…

Mountaineer of the Week: Stacey Lissit

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members and volunteers. For our volunteer profile this week we talked to... Read more…

A Date with the Devil: Trip Report from Jackita Ridge-Devil’s Dome Loop, North Cascades

"The world is all the richer for having a devil in it, so long as we keep our foot upon his neck." - William James Read more…

The Show Will Go On! The Sound of Music No Longer Locked Out

Last week we shared the disappointing news that the Keta Legacy Foundation (Keta) took steps to restrict our access to the Kitsap Forest Theater by installing locks on the access road and a parking area, threatening the opening of our production of The Sound of Music and potentially our entire 100th anniversary season. The Mountaineers filed an emergency motion in federal court seeking a temporary restraining order to regain access to the theater. This morning our motion was granted. The court  ruled in our favor, barring Keta from interfering with our historical access to the theater during the production season. A copy of the court’s order can be found here. The show will go on!  Read more…

Your donation builds a vibrant outdoor community

Do you remember a time when you craved a deeper connection with the natural world? Perhaps you found yourself in a new place or stage of life and you were inspired by someone who shared their passion, experience, and joy of the outdoors with you. Maybe it was a trip leader, role model, friend, or family member. Maybe it was an author, blogger, photographer, or trip reporter.  Read more…

Become a Global Adventures Leader, Next Training Nov 1

Are you an experienced Mountaineers activity leader who dreams of taking Mountaineers companions on multi-day adventures in far-flung places around North America and the wider world? Global Adventures leaders have taken groups skiing, snowshoeing, climbing, scrambling, backpacking, trekking, and day-walking in the desert Southwest, Alaska, the Rockies, the Alps, Patagonia, Peru, the Himalayas, the British Isles, New Zealand, Turkey, Jordan, the Amalfi Coast, and more.  The Global Adventures program may be the perfect place for you to live your travel dreams and take your trip planning and group leadership skills to a new level! Read more…

Youth Outside | Climbing is for Everyone

I learned how to rock climb through The Mountaineers. Learning to climb this way is empowering because you learn for yourself how to climb safely. As a teacher at the Tacoma Science and Math Institute (SAMI), a public school housed in Point Defiance Park and Zoo, I like to take this empowering educational approach with my students, and one great thing about my school is the requirement that teachers collaborate to co-teach an interdisciplinary class in January. We are encouraged to dream big. Read more…

Volunteer With Seattle Mountain Workshops

The Mountaineers partners with Seattle-area youth serving organizations to deliver single or multi-day experiences designed to get youth outside, expose youth to transferable outdoor skills, and impart a desire to explore and conserve the outdoors. We call these programs Mountain Workshops. Through our Seattle Mountain Workshop partner programs, The Mountaineers provides over 1,100 youth experiences a year. We couldn’t provide these programs without the support of our amazing volunteer community! Read more…

Global Adventures | Streams in the Utah Desert

Raindrops began to fall as our group of Global Adventurers set off to hike Lower Calf Creek Falls in the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. Prior to the trip, we had checked the weather forecast and knew rain was possible. As we had previously done a hike up the Virgin River Narrows, we were aware of the risks of flash floods and the appropriate precautionary measures to take while hiking. Although this trail was along a creek surrounded by greenery and red sand, it was not in a canyon and there was plenty of easily-accessible high ground near the trail should the creek abruptly rise. Read more…

Keta Obstructs Sound of Music at Kitsap Forest Theater

In a disappointing move, Keta Legacy Foundation took steps this week to restrict access to the Kitsap Forest Theater, which may force The Mountaineers to cancel upcoming productions of The Sound of Music. On May 17, just days before final rehearsals and set-building work for opening night of The Sound of Music, Keta locked The Mountaineers Players out from the backstage area at the Theater. This area has been continually accessed by The Mountaineers for nearly 40 years over easements crossing several parcels of property and the Rhododendron Preserve. Keta also barred access to a parking area that is essential to accommodate guests – particularly elderly guests and those with disabilities. Keta has been aware, and was again reminded of, the vital importance of this access and the troubling impact its restriction would have on persons with limited mobility, as well as productions as a whole. Read more…

Open Nominations: Join The Mountaineers Board of Directors in 2023

We’re excited to once again be calling for nominations for individuals to join our Board of Directors. Our goal is for our Board to represent the communities we currently serve and those we wish to serve, and we have been successful in diversifying the perspectives and lived experiences of our Board in the last few years. Read more…

Speak Up for the Alpine Lakes Wilderness: Eightmile Lake Dam Replacement Update

In January 2021, we shared how the effort to replace the dam at Eightmile Lake in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness could bring negative impacts to the Wilderness area and the world-class outdoor recreation opportunities it provides. Read more…

Volunteers needed to help our Global Adventures Committee

Mountaineers Global Adventures (GA) gets members out on exciting multi-day adventures across North America and worldwide. We have several new leaders and trips in process, but keeping the program running smoothly and efficiently - including the increasing load of amazing trips to review and leaders looking to certify - requires more time than our current small committee can handle. We have identified a number of support roles that individually don't take much time but, if we could get willing volunteers to take them on, would assure that our program can continue to grow and thrive.  Read more…

Donations protect the outdoor experience

Next weekend an estimated 22.6 million people will go camping across the US, and even more will get outside for the day to enjoy parks, forests, waterways, and other outdoor spaces. We love to see people enjoying the outdoors, and believe that each of us has a role in conserving the natural world—and the outdoor experiences we love—for future generations. Read more…

Big Changes Proposed for Mount Rainier National Park

Note: The comment period for the draft visitor use management plan is now closed. Learn more about The Mountaineers concerns with the plan in this blog. We'll continue to update our community as this process develops. Thank you for your interest and engagement in this important issue.

In response to increased visitation during the peak summer season, Mount Rainier National Park recently proposed significant changes to how people access the park. The Nisqually to Paradise Corridor Draft Management Plan proposes to implement a timed-entry reservation system for popular areas of the park. This proposal could dramatically change how Mountaineers programs and members access places like Paradise and Sunrise. Read more…

Outside Insights | Backcountry Bike Touring

At The Mountaineers, we place great emphasis on experiencing the outdoors in new ways. Scott Schissel and Emma Agosta, Super Volunteers with 39 years of collective Mountaineers membership, are well aware of our community’s zeal for novel experiences. A shared excitement for bikepacking brought their superpowers together. Read more…

Mountaineer of the Week: Erin Shannon-Starup

Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to... Read more…