Return of the Salmon: The Human Connection

Return of the Salmon: The Human Connection

Drawing from a chapter title in the We Are Puget Sound book: The Human Connection, the virtual event will focus on the integral role salmon play today in tribal religion, culture, and physical sustenance to the Coast Salish people--as well as how newcomers to the region forge a connection with, and learn to protect, salmon. With the return of the salmon to streams through the Salish Sea this fall--and the 50th anniversary of the tear gassing of Puyallup fishers that led to a landmark legal ruling called the Boldt decision that reaffirmed the rights of Washington's Indian tribes to fish--it is an apt time to honor, listen, and learn of these connections.
  • Thu, Nov 12, 2020 from 06:00 PM to 07:30 PM
  • Mountaineers Books
  • The Mountaineers
  • iCal

For thousands of years, the bountiful land and waters we now call the Puget Sound and the Salish Sea regions have been a remarkable home to humans. And, especially for the past two centuries, humans have changed this place more than any other species has with great implications and impacts to the Coast Salish people. In particular, the staple foods for the Coast Salish peoples were, and are, salmon and other fish, as well as shellfish, such as clams, oysters, and mussels.

Drawing from a chapter title in the We Are Puget Sound book: The Human Connection, the virtual event will focus on the integral role salmon play today in tribal religion, culture, and physical sustenance to the Coast Salish people--as well as how newcomers to the region forge a connection with, and learn to protect, salmon. With the return of the salmon to streams through the Salish Sea this fall--and the 50th anniversary of the tear gassing of Puyallup fishers that led to a landmark legal ruling called the Boldt decision that reaffirmed the rights of Washington's Indian tribes to fish--it is an apt time to honor, listen, and learn of these connections.

We are honored to hear stories about people’s relationships with salmon and ways for the audience to learn about the Tribal lands they live on and how to support Tribal Treaty rights

Joining the event will be:

  • Joseph Pavel, Skokomish Tribe
  • Adrienne Ross Scanlan, author of Turning Homeward
  • Mindy Roberts, Washington Environmental Council
  • Erika Lundahl, Braided River

More information about this event…

Zoom Video Presentation
