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10 Essential Questions: Rajesh Pillai

For our member profile this week we chatted with Rajesh Pillai, an Everett Mountaineer and volunteer. He told us about his inspiration and revealed a few of his favorite Mountaineers memories. Read more…

Mountaineers Member Info Session

Meet your fellow Mountaineers and learn more about our programs and activities at this 40 minute information session, and stay after to chat with your fellow members and guests. Read more…

10 Essential Questions: Caitlin O'Brien

For our member profile this week we spoke to employee and active member Caitlin O'Brien. She told us about her work with youth and how it continues to inspire her every day. Read more…

February 2015 Volunteer Survey

We emailed all of the volunteers that we could identify with our rosters and available information. This included people who volunteer with us as leaders, course instructors, committee members/branch administration, event support, help for our youth programs, the lodges, stewardship volunteers, Mountaineers Players and on the Board or Advisory Council. We received feedback from 482 people.  Read more…

How To: Giving and Receiving Feedback

Giving and receiving feedback is an integral part of our organizational culture at The Mountaineers. From staff, to volunteers, to members, we strive to create a healthy loop of feedback that allows us the opportunity to continually evaluate, assess, and improve our programs! Read more…

Supporting Volunteers: Job Design and Posting

Sometimes this works - we have amazing volunteers - but it can be a recipe for increased burnout. For us to be effective in the long run, everyone must create the change they would like to see and not pressure others to do things they may not have time for. Read more…

Mountaineers Course Calendar

The Mountaineers offers a wide range of outdoor experiences through our courses and activities. Our outdoor experiences are organized and led by volunteers across seven branches. Our volunteer structure, and the fact that some of our activities can only be done seasonally, means our courses generally happen on a seasonal basis as well. Read more…

10 Essential Questions: Maiza Lima

For our member profile this week we spoke to Maiza Lima, a rock climber and mountaineer from Brazil who signed up with us to learn how to climb and found a great community that makes her heart smile. Read more…

Helicopter Rescue: A Story of Survival

The level of outdoor community support in the Pacific Northwest is truly unmatched. As a transplant myself, I know it can be difficult to make connections in a new place. Not so much when you go outside. You can roll up to any trailhead, crag, or mountainside and form friendships to last a lifetime. That’s why it’s only fitting that I should find myself here, working at The Mountaineers, through a lucky connection with a fellow outdoor enthusiast: Miles McDonough. Read more…

10 Essential Questions: Tommy Cafcas

For our member profile this week we spoke to Tommy Cafcas, a cyclist, mountaineer, and hiker who signed up for our Basic Climbing Course with a friend and discovered just how fun it can be to practice tying knots in a frigid shower while fully dressed. Read more…

10 Essential Questions: Katherine Hollis

For our member profile this week, we take a different approach and introduce you to Katherine Hollis, our conservation and recreation manager. Learn about why she became interested in conservation, and what excites her most about working with The Mountaineers. Read more…


You’d be hard pressed to miss the invitations and communications over the past couple of months about our Mountaineers BREAKTHROUGH fundraising event on April 11. With an all-star lineup of climbers in the program, you’re probably wondering why we’re writing about it in relationship to conservation. Well, underlying the climbing theme of the evening is the impact story about why anyone should care about The Mountaineers efforts to get people outside – conservation is a primary driver of that story. Read more…

10 Essential Questions: Sue Ritter

For our member profile this week we spoke to Sue Ritter, a rock climber and route setter at Warehouse Rockgym, nordic skier, hiker, photographer, and Dental Hygienist, about why she joined The Mountaineers and her favorite Mountaineers memory. Read more…

10 Essential Questions: Erik Swanson

For our member profile this week we spoke to Erik Swanson, a bsnowshoer, hiker, scrambler, and electrical engineer, on why he's inspired by his fellow Mountaineers.  Read more…

Happy 103rd Birthday Wolf Bauer!

On behalf of The Mountaineers, I'd like to wish a Happy Birthday to one of our longest standing and most distinguished members: Wolf Bauer - pioneer, first-ascensionist, champion skier, sea kayak course and boat innovator, founder of Seattle Mountain Rescue Council, and esteemed conservationist.  Read more…

10 Essential Questions: Susan Myers

For our member profile this week we spoke to Susan Myers, a birder, hiker, backpacker, and photographer, about who inspires her and why she gets outside with The Mountaineers. Read more…

10 Essential Questions: Jan Deveny

For our member profile this month we spoke to Jan Deveny, a climber, skier, hiker, and retired Polic Chief, about why he joined The Mountaineers and how the community here has inspired him to give back.  Read more…

2014 Volunteer Awards

Everything accomplished by The Mountaineers as an organization can be credited to the efforts of our volunteers. Our courses, trips, youth programs, and advocacy efforts are fueled by the passion of people who are engaged because they want to be, not because they receive financial motivation. Each year we host a Volunteer Appreciation Dinner to recognize these tireless individuals. Find out which volunteers were honored this year with the Branch Service awards and the organization-wide Leader of the Year and Mountaineers Service Award (there are other awards at the branch level that are not highlighted here but which show how our community can embrace those that contribute to it - at the bottom of this blog, we'd love to hear how different committees and branches choose to thank and recognize their other volunteers).  Read more…

10 Essential Questions: Vik Sahney

For our member profile this month we spoke to Vik Sahney, a mountaineer, climber, skier, and VP of Strategy at REI, about who inspires him and why he volunteers with The Mountaineers. Read more…

Photo Contest: Tell us what the Pacific Northwest means to you and win a prize pack fit for adventure

The Mountaineers have been part of the Pacific Northwest since we were founded in 1906. We are pioneers and adventurers. 

Young and old, new and seasoned, passionate teachers and eager learners – the outdoors bring us together. The Pacific Northwest is our home. Read more…

Be a part of the Friction Slabs Project

The resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another

A large, thick, flat piece of stone, concrete, or wood Read more…

10 Essential Questions: Loni Uchytil

For our member profile this month we spoke to Loni Uchytil, a climber, skier, and dental hygenist about who inspires her and why she volunteers with The Mountaineers. Read more…

10 Essential Questions: Patrick Mullaney

For our member profile this month we spoke to Patrick Mullaney, a climber, skier, and Land Use Attorney about who inspires him and why he volunteers with The Mountaineers. Read more…

Amazon Smile for the Outdoors

We're teaming up with AmazonSmile to support the mission of The Mountaineers - to get more people outside enjoying the lands and waters of our beautiful Pacific Northwest. Read more…

Remembering Mountaineer Lisa Berntsen

With great sadness we share the news of the passing of Lisa Berntsen, a beloved member of The Mountaineers community - a Mountaineer, Tacoma branch member, volunteer leader, and board member. Read more…

What does membership mean to you?

Members join our community for all sort of reasons. Some folks simply want to support our mission to get more people outside. Others are passionate about our commitment to bring outdoor experiences to young people through our youth programs. And many more join to learn specific skills or increase competencies to better enjoy their outdoor pursuits. Read more…

Mountaineers Board of Directors Election Results are in!

Ballots have been cast and the results are in! Your new at large board members are: Read more…

10 Essential Questions: Isabel Suhr

For our member profile this month we spoke with Isabel Suhr, a graduate of our MAC (Mountaineers Adventure Club), about who inspires her and why she volunteers.  Read more…