Conservation Blog

Conservation Blog

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The Mountaineers Join the Effort to Save Lake Serene – And You Can Too!

Lands adjacent to the Lake Serene Trail are slated to be logged this year. If the plan goes through, the routes to Lake Serene and Bridal Veil Falls will be closed until July 1, 2018 and the surrounding forest will be scarred for many years to come. But there’s hope. Outdoor leaders, including The Mountaineers, are joining forces with individuals across the Pacific Northwest to purchase the land from the timber company. Together we can raise the funds, but we aren’t there yet – and we need your help! Read more…

Wild Places Deserve Our Support

“History tells us that when public lands are unprotected, they’re sold to the highest bidder." - Rose Marcario, President and CEO of Patagonia, delivers her keynote address at The Mountaineers fundraising breakfast, Sep 20 Read more…

Mountaineers Breakfast: Mission Accepted

If you were one of hundreds of Mountaineers who woke up early on Wednesday to join us for our second annual fundraising breakfast, Thank You! This early morning adventure to downtown Seattle brought hundreds of outdoor enthusiasts together to celebrate and champion our public lands. The messages shared inspired us with renewed commitment to protect our wild places. As our CEO Tom Vogl said: Read more…

Leaked Report Kicks Off Whirlwind Week for National Monuments

After weeks of uncertainty, a leaked report from Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke has reignited concerns about the fate of National Monuments and what this could mean for our public lands. The memo, titled Final Report Summarizing Findings of the Review of Designations Under the Antiquities Act, doesn’t specify boundary changes, but does issue clear recommendations to shrink or alter ten National Monuments. Read more…

Governor Evans and the Book That Saved the Alpine Lakes Wilderness

A picture is worth a thousand words, but the images collected in The Alpine Lakes are worth even more than that. The photographs in this book, published by The Mountaineers in 1971, inspired President Gerald Ford to designate the Alpine Lakes Wilderness area. Read more…

Uniting our Collective Voice

This August, while backpacking through the Hoover Wilderness in California with my husband and brother-in-law, I ran into a woman about my age. She was headed down the trail in our direction so we hiked together a few miles, chatting about our work, her Pacific Crest Trail thru-hike the previous summer, and our mutual love of solo trips. She was a teacher out on a three-day trip before the school year started back up. I told her about my work with Outdoor Alliance and our efforts to bring together the outdoor recreation community to protect public lands.  Read more…

Did You Know? Elwha River

The Elwha River, which spans 45 miles in the Olympic Peninsula, is part of a massive restoration project that included demolishing Glines Canyon Dam, one of the tallest dams to ever be intentionally breached. Read more…

Speaker Series Will Explore the Natural World - Mar 14

Each year, the Seattle Naturalist Committee provides a lecture series designed to delve into phenomena of the natural world. The events are open to everyone and no registration is required - just pay $5 at the door. Attendance is free for members of the Naturalist Study Group. Check out this season's talks! Read more…

Protecting the Outdoor Experience

For over a century, The Mountaineers has inspired conservation and stewardship of our public lands through our outdoor education programs and books. Today, we build on this tradition by taking responsibility for protecting the places that inspire, excite, and challenge us. The Mountaineers is uniquely positioned to define and grow the modern conservation movement by providing powerful outdoor experiences that enable people to gain special connections to these places and the desire to protect them. We instill stewardship and Leave-No-Trace wilderness ethics through the educational components of our courses and provide opportunities to learn and engage in conservation issues – practices that ignite passion and action in current and future generations of conservationists.  Read more…


My generation thought it had a pretty good notion of what stewardship meant the first time we got a look at the pictures of earth taken by the astronauts.  Read more…

Creating Conservationists: Our Voice

To truly care about something, it has to have impacted you intimately. It’s that personal connection that gives us the impetus to act. Read more…

Public Says Keep National Monuments. Will Department of the Interior Agree?

It’s been about three months since an Executive Order called for the review of our National Monuments, two months since the 60-day public comment period began, and a little over a week since the last of over a million submissions flooded the Department of the Interior.

So now what? Read more…

The Hills are Afoul with the Smell of Poo

Ahhh, there’s nothing like heading out on your favorite trail to take in the fragrant smells of spring... only to catch the putrid stench of crap. Dog and human alike — it seems lately there’s been a proliferation of poo plopped along our trails and streams of toilet paper flowers soiling our backcountry. And this abundance of trailside turds isn’t just an affront on our visionary and olfactory senses, it’s a major affront to our health and the health of our wild places. Read more…

Experiencing Hanford Reach National Monument - A Trip Downriver with John Roskelley

In April, President Trump issued an executive order calling for a review of National Monuments designated under the Antiquities Act. Following the order, The Department of the Interior announced a public comment period for 27 specific National Monuments designated in the last 21 years. This review is unprecedented, and we encourage you to speak up in defense of these important public lands. Read more…

National Trails Day - Celebrating the Trails We Love

I’ve been a member of The Mountaineers since 2002, when I joined to meet other outdoor enthusiasts and learn about hikes in the area. Since then I’ve explored many of our local trails year-round.  Read more…

Get Outside for National Trails Day - June 3

They say it takes a village to raise a child, and the same could be said for creating a trail! That’s why each year, on the first Saturday of June, communities across to country come together to celebrate National Trails Day. Read more…

The Return of the Fisher

With their luxurious dark brown coats, fishers were irresistible to trappers in the 1800’s and early 1900’s. Their pelts brought a good price. By the late 20th century, none of these large members of the weasel family could be found in Washington State. Trapping and loss of their forest habitat led to their disappearance. In 1998, although fishers still could be found in neighboring states and other regions, Washington declared fishers endangered. Read more…

An Open Letter on Bears Ears & Protecting National Monuments

The Department of the Interior, led by Secretary Ryan Zinke, has opened an unprecedented review of 27 National Monuments, and is accepting comments from the public as part of this process. Mountaineers Books author Dave Showalter is one of many citizens using this comment period to take a stand for our public lands, and for Bears Ears National Monument in particular. We invite you to read Dave's poignant words and take a moment to submit your own comments.  The comment period for Bears Ears closes May 26. Read more…

Enhance Your Nature Photography Skills

Braided River is teaming up with Explore Green to host a Fall Nature Photography Workshop at Sundance Mountain Resort led by acclaimed conservation photographers Amy Gulick, Carl Johnson, and Dave Showalter. Each will bring their expertise and passion for wild country to this hands-on workshop. At the foot of Utah's towering Wasatch Range, the stunning Sundance Valley offers the ideal setting for an immersive photography experience. Read more…

Take a Stand for Bears Ears and All of Our National Monuments

Today kicks off the 15-day public comment period for the Bears Ears National Monument review. Last month President Trump issued an executive order calling for the review of National Monuments designated under the Antiquities Act. Following the order, The Department of the Interior announced a public comment period for 27 specific National Monuments under review. Unlike the other monuments, which have a 60-day comment period, Bears Ears only has a 15-day window. Action to protect these treasured National Monuments is urgent. Read more…

The Mountaineers and WTA Team Up To Make a Difference on Earth Day Weekend

It rained non-stop on the Wynoochee valley in the southern Olympics on Earth Day weekend, April 22-23, 2017, but that did nothing to dampen the spirits of 27 members of The Mountaineers who volunteered alongside four Washington Trail Association (WTA) crew leaders for the first trail maintenance stewardship project between the two organizations.  Read more…

Executive Order Targets Two Decades of Public Lands Protections

Today, an Executive Order was issued calling for the review of national monument designations dating back to 1996. Under the 1906 Antiquities Act presidents from both parties have used national monuments to conserve lands across the country. The order effectively brings that authority into question for the past three presidents. Read more…

Outdoor Rec Economy Generates $887 Billion

 The Outdoor Industry Association (OIA)’s new economic report calculates that outdoor recreation produces $887 billion in direct consumer spending, supports 7.6 million American jobs, and contributes $65.3 billion in federal tax revenue each year. To put the numbers in perspective, the report finds that every year, American consumers spend more on outdoor recreation than they do on pharmaceuticals and fuel, combined. Read more…

Overused Vantage Toilet Needs Our Help

Four years ago, the Northwest climbing community funded a vault toilet at the Frenchman Coulee climbing area (better known as Vantage) in Central Washington. This toilet has helped to alleviate human waste issues and was widely heralded as a huge success. Some would argue, it's  too successful. Read more…

Pay It Forward by Giving Back

I often head to the backcountry to escape the madness of civilization. In nature, I see order, purpose, and reason. In cities, I often see chaos, confusion, and conflict. There’s nothing like a walk in the woods to rejuvenate a tired, tormented and tried soul. There’s nothing too like an invigorating hike to help validate my existence and place in the world. And while I need the natural world for my sanity and sanctity; the natural world very much needs me and other like-minded folks to help keep it from being compromised, abused, and lost forever. Read more…

Celebrate Earth Day April 22

Earth Day is this Saturday, April 22, and we have se several ways for you to show your appreciation for Mother Earth this weekend. Join us for a stewardship activity, and please help us champion our low impact skills while you’re getting outside! Read more…

Two Key Washington State Public Lands Bills Advance in Senate

A bill to designate the Mountains to Sound Greenway as a National Heritage Area and another to safeguard the Methow Valley from mining made it out of Senate committee hearings. The action brings two treasured Washington landscapes one step closer to being recognized and protected. Now, the many champions of these lands and waters will call on Congress to pass the bills into law.  Read more…

Senate and House Introduce Arctic Refuge Wilderness Bills

Today, 40 senators led by Senators Ed Markey (D-MA) and Michael Bennet (D-CO) and a bipartisan group of representatives led by Representatives Jared Huffman (D-CA), Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA), Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) and Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ) introduced bills in the Senate and House to designate the Coastal Plain of Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge as wilderness. Read more…

For the Love of Pika

If you're a hiker, scrambler, or climber in the PNW, you likely spend your summers crossing talus slopes while listening and looking for  one of these adorable little fur balls: the pika. Now you can use your hobby to contribute to an important monitoring project with almost no effort. Read more…

The Mountaineers Go To D.C.

If you’ve seen our Legislative Trail Map, you know about the concerning legislation related to our national public lands. We headed to our nation’s capital early this month to connect with lawmakers and land managers about issues affecting the places where we play. In all honesty, it was hard to approach the trip with much optimism given the mounting threats to our wild placesRead more…