Conservation 101

Conservation 101

Our Conservation 101 blog series will help you unpack the world of conservation and advocacy at The Mountaineers and beyond.

Conservation has been an enduring priority at The Mountaineers since our founding. As we continue to grow our community of stewards and advocates to protect public lands and the outdoor experience, our Conservation 101 blog series  serves as a trailhead into the world of conservation and advocacy. These blogs break down the basics of conservation - through posts explaining public lands and advocacy - and will help you better understand The Mountaineers conservation work and how you can grow your own conservation ethic. Whether you're most excited to care for our lands and waters through stewardship or by advocating to lawmakers and land managers on behalf of the places you cherish, there's something here to help you along on your conservation journey.

Conservation 101: What is Advocacy, and Why is it Important

Conservation 101: What is Advocacy, and Why is it Important

Mountaineers are fierce defenders of our wild places. Dive deeper into what this entails, how to build your skills as an advocate, and why successful advocacy makes a difference for the outdoor places we love.

Conservation 101: What are Public Lands?

Conservation 101: What are Public Lands?

Whether you find yourself in a national park, state park, or other open space managed for public access, you’re most likely on public lands. Learn more about the different types of public lands and how they’re managed in this second installment of our Conservation 101 blog series.

Conservation 101: The Mountaineers Conservation History

Conservation 101: The Mountaineers Conservation History

In the third installment of our Conservation 101 blog series, journey with us through the more than 116-year history of conservation at The Mountaineers. Learn more about how our community continues to adventure with purpose and how you can be a part of the story.

Conservation 101: Mountaineers Conservation Education

Conservation 101: Mountaineers Conservation Education

In the fourth installment of our Conservation 101 blog series, we share our tools and resources that can help you learn more about conservation and advocacy. Equipped with the right information, Mountaineers can be strong advocates for public lands and the outdoor experiences we cherish.

Conservation 101: Stewardship

Conservation 101: Stewardship

In the fifth installment of our Conservation 101 blog series, we dive into the world of stewardship. Learn more about what stewardship means at The Mountaineers and how you can give back to the public lands that shape our outdoor adventures.

Conservation 101: What We Advocate For and How We Choose Our Issues

Conservation 101: What We Advocate For and How We Choose Our Issues

In this final installment of our Conservation 101 blog series, we explore what conservation and recreation issues The Mountaineers advocates for and our decision-making framework that helps us decide.

Unpacking Washington’s State-managed Public Lands

Unpacking Washington’s State-managed Public Lands

Many of Washington’s special outdoor places are managed as state parks or other recreation areas. Learn about the three main types of state public lands and waters in Washington, how they’re managed, their varying recreational uses, and how you can experience our state lands in all seasons.