Beginner Snowshoe - Methow Valley Winter Trails


Beginner Snowshoe - Methow Valley Winter Trails

Take an easy stroll up the snow-covered North Cascades Highway from the road closure west of Mazama to the Klipchuck campground and back.

  • Sat, Jan 9, 2016
  • Seattle Snowshoeing Committee
  • Snowshoeing
  • 20-30 Somethings, Families, Singles, Youth, Adults
  • Easy/Moderate
  • For Beginners (Getting Started Series)
  • Mileage: 7.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 750 ft

Meet at the SR20 winter road closure just past the Early Winters Campground west of Mazama at 9:00 AM.

This trip is part of the "Celebrate Winter Trails in the Methow" Jan. 8 - 10 event. Winthrop, in the heart of the Methow Valley, is located in North Central Washington around 240 miles and 4:30 from Downtown Seattle, so make it a weekend of exploration! Visit the event listing for full details, including equipment rental information.

The North Cascades Highway, SR20, closes each winter due to heavy snowfall and avalanche activity. However, the snow-covered roadway just outside Mazama offers easy, safe, ungroomed but non-technical snowshoeing west of the closure.

From the road closure we'll hike 2.3 miles west on SR20, then follow FS300 for another 1.2 quiet miles to the Klipchuck Campground. We'll return the same way, making for a seven mile, 750' vertical gain day. Weather permitting, there are views of Delancy Ridge to the north and The Needles to the west.

At our furthest point we'll be 3.5 miles from our cars and well out of cellphone range, so it's important that you dress appropriately and ensure that your conditioning is adequate for the trip. Bring your snowshoes, Ten Essentials, a lunch and maybe something hot in a thermos, together with a great attitude. Ski poles are recommended, but not required. The $5 Methow Trails Snowshoe Day Pass is NOT required for this trip.

Guests, i.e. non-members of the Mountaineers, as well as our members are invited to sign up in advance for this trip. For visitors either call the Mountaineers Member Services on 206-521-6001 or visit click on "join" on the top right hand corner, then select GUEST ADULT FREE and follow the steps.


Methow Valley Winter Trails

  • Green Trails Sun Mtn/Methow No. 83S

    Green Trails Doe Mtn No. 52

    Green Trails Mazama No. 51

    MVSTA Trail Maps (see Land Manager)

    Green Trails Twisp No. 84

    Green Trails Buttermilk Butte No. 83
  • See full route/place details.
Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Trip Reports