Talapus Lake Trail


Day Hike - Talapus Lake Trail

Explore two beautiful lakes in the heart of the Alpine Lakes Wilderness on an easy, well-maintained 6 miles RT trail, stopping for lunch on the shore of sparkling Olallie Lake.

  • Easy
  • Mileage: 6.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 1,220 ft

Meet at 10 AM at the Talapus Lake trailhead at Lookout Point, reached from I-90 Exit 45.  Turn left at the end of the exit and right at the first road junction.  Continue  several miles on a Forest Service road switchbacking up to the trailhead parking lot.

High clearance cars (like a Subaru Forester) are recommended for driving on the Forest Service Road leading to the trailhead parking lot, due to some large chuckholes on that road.  There is a restroom at the trailhead and there are outhouses at Talapus and Olallie Lakes.  The Northwest Forest Pass, or equivalent must be displayed by each car parked at the trailhead parking lot.

Required Equipment
Trip Reports

Talapus Lake Trail

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Required Equipment

Required Equipment

The Ten Essentials

  1. Navigation
  2. Sun protection
  3. Insulation (extra clothing)
  4. Illumination
  5. First aid supplies
  6. Fire
  7. Repair kit and tools, including knife
  8. Nutrition (extra food)
  9. Hydration (extra water)
  10. Emergency shelter
Trip Reports