Bellingham Branch Blog Posts

Bellingham Branch Blog Posts

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Annual Bellingham Fall Rendezvous - Oct 13

Everyone is welcome to join The Bellingham Mountaineers on October 13th at 6pm for our Fall Rendezvous. Read more…

Word of the Day: Benighted

On a Bellingham Basic Alpine Climb of Horseshoe Peak, the group chose to stay out an extra night at their base camp after returning from their climb. As climbers progress and start attempting longer, more technical routes, it becomes a matter of not if, but when they will be benighted.   Read more…

How To: Preventing Descent Accidents

Recently, a group of 6 climbers were on Sahale Peak in the Boston Basin area of North Cascades National Park. They'd enjoyed great weather, and  climbed efficiently up the Quien Sabe Glacier on the northwest side of the peak, reaching the summit around 10:30am. Read more…

Bellingham Branch Leadership Opportunities

There are three positions still needed to round out the Branch Council and all of them require the following:  Read more…

Bellingham 2014 Basic Course has begun!

The basic course will teach you the skills to safely get to higher ground via rock climbing, snow and glacier travel, backpacking, and hiking through moderate to difficult terrain. You will learn how to evaluate weather, mountain terrain, and snow conditions to make sound decisions about when and how to travel in the high country. We will also teach Advanced Alpine First Aid in order to minimize the potential for an accident and provide the first response to incidents in the back country. Read more…