Alpine Scrambling Course - Everett - 2024

Scrambling Course

Alpine Scrambling Course

Alpine Scrambling Course - Everett

The Everett Alpine Scrambling Course is a comprehensive 12-week program that teaches the skills necessary to reach many Cascade and Olympic summits safely. We cover clothing and equipment, off-trail travel (on snow, rock and mixed terrain), up-climbing, down-climbing, self-belay, ice-axe arrest, glissading, avalanche awareness, mountain weather, trip planning and emergency preparedness.

Alpine Scrambling is a strenuous activity involving off-trail travel to reach rock and snow summits following routes that do not ordinarily require ropes for protection. It does not involve glacier travel, roped climbing, or rappelling.

Please note that the course fee includes lodging at the Baker Lodge for Saturday night during the Snow Field Trip. You may optionally stay at the lodge on Friday night at your cost.

Physical fitness:

Alpine scrambling is strenuous and requires travel over uneven, unstable terrain. If you are not yet physically active regularly, please begin now. We will discuss more about fitness in our classes and you'll have some time to build up your fitness before our first trips.

PLEASE NOTE: Along with attendance at all lectures, field trips, and required scrambles (3), there are three other requirements to graduate and continue scrambling with The Mountaineers.  Please ensure you are aware of the schedule and cost commitments prior to signing up for this course.

(1) Completing a Wilderness First Aid Course, including Alpine First Aid Scenarios.

(2) Completing a Basic Wilderness Navigation Course.  The Navigation Field Trip must be completed prior to the Rock Field Trip.

(3) Completing a day of volunteer Stewardship (Lookout or Trail Maintenance - LOTM) Find Activities — The Mountaineers


  • Any fees for the Wilderness First Aid (WFA) / Alpine First Aid Scenarios (AFA) and Navigation courses are not included in the Alpine Scrambling Course Fee.
  • Registration for both of these courses are separate from the Alpine Scrambling course.

You must register for both of these courses ASAP, ideally right now. They fill up quickly and you can not graduate without them.

Please review the required gear list prior to signing up. These items will be covered in the first two lectures, so we recommend waiting until then to purchase any gear.  In addition to general outdoor gear (outdoor clothing, rain gear, backpack (~30L for scrambling), 10 essentials, etc.) there are a few pieces of technical gear required. These pieces and rough prices buying new:

  • Mountaineering boots at $300-$500.
  • Ice Axe at $70-$100.
  • Climbing helmet at $60-$100.

Please contact Shannon Otteson with any questions you may have.

Badges you will earn:

Course Requirements

This course has no scheduled activities.

Required Equipment
Clothing and equipment are covered in the first two lectures. We recommend deferring your equipment purchases until we've covered that material in class.
  • Ten Essentials
  • Day Pack
  • Mountaineering Boots
  • Parka
  • Rain Gear
  • Ice Axe
  • Climbing Helmet
  • Protected Descent Harness (we will explain in class)



Course Materials

You must register for this course to see course materials.