Foothills Branch Blog Posts

Foothills Branch Blog Posts

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Discounted Multiweek Telemark and Randonee Ski Lessons at Snoqualmie Summit

Join us on Wednesday evenings from January 3 -February 7 in one of the the oldest and largest backcountry focused ski instruction programs in the US. This six-week, evening program (7:30-9:30pm) will hone your backcountry ski skills at a Professional Ski Instructors of America (PSIA) certified ski school at Snoqualmie West. Enjoy a mid-week break  and develop your skills so you can ski the backcountry with more fun! Read more…

Tech Update 2.9 - Many Small Improvements

From April through November, we worked on several improvements to our website and our Salesforce platform. And in October and November, we added bigger improvements and one new features. Read on to learn more! Read more…

The Life and Times of an International Mountain Guide with Charlotte Austin - Nov 7

Have you ever wondered what it's like to guide climbers to the summit of Mount Rainier? Would you like to know the five things that are always in a travel writer's backpack? Do you want to work outdoors, or maybe pursue a career as a guide? Read more…

Adventure Writing Workshop with Charlotte Austin - Oct 30

We're very excited to be hosting IMG mountain guide and adventure writer Charlotte Austin again for an evening writing workshop. Whether you're an experienced author, part-time blogger, or curious novice, this class will give you a glimpse into the wide world of travel writing.  Read more…

A Case for Trail Running

In the thousands of years before humans created the first sharpened tools, how did we catch the food we needed to survive? According to many if you answered, "We ran it to death (in a technique called persistence hunting)", you’d be correct. Read more…

An Ode to Volunteerism

In the process of writing a recent blog on committee volunteerism, I shared an email conversation with John Dunlap from the Olympia Branch about volunteering with The Mountaineers. John is a five year member who supports several committees, including Olympia’s Scrambling and Sea Kayaking Committees. When I asked John about his experience supporting committee work and volunteering with The Mountaineers, his response took me by surprise - in a very good way. Read more…

Foothills Hiking and Backpacking Committees looking for volunteers to help with programs - Oct 19

The Foothills Branch has provided lots of hikes, backpacks, and related courses for several years, and we have several fun new programs on the drawing board including backpacking with families and forming a beginner hiking community.  We also help to support trail-oriented navigation and first aid/emergency preparedness classes focused on hikers and backpackers. Read more…

Trail Running Info Session - Oct 23

Join Mountaineers trail runners from the east side of the lake to talk about creating a community of  folks from the area who love to run our trails with like minded folks! Come grab a brew and/or snack and join us in getting to know more!  No previous trail running experience is required! Read more…

Tell Me About: Trail Running Shoes

You’re walking down your favorite trail, newly watered by an autumn shower, when it strikes. That misstep or unexpected slide leading to feelings of both weightlessness and panic: will you get that other foot down in time or end up kissing mud? Read more…

Foothills Leader Spotlight: Karen Wallace and Nancy Temkin

Our branch wants to give a big shout out to Karen Wallace and Nancy Temkin, two fairly new hike leaders who have really gone the extra mile during 2017 to bring beginner hikers out on the trail and instill a love of outdoor adventure. Your hard work is huge asset to the Foothills community. Thank You! Read more…

Become a Hike or Backpack Leader for The Mountaineers

My own Mountaineers leadership story started with a search for trail companions. I was seeking a compatible group on the types of hikes and backpacks that interested me. Then, one day, I took a new arrival from China on his first hike, and I saw the joy and wonder blossom on his face when Mount Rainier emerged in all her glory behind a ridge covered with meadow wildflowers. That was it, I was hooked. Read more…

Foothills Branch Elections 2017

The Foothills Branch Council plays a critical role in the future direction of our branch, supporting and resourcing our program and activity committees, so we can provide experiences and learning to our members.  We're very pleased to announce that outstanding candidates have stepped forward to run for 9 of our 11 open positions on the Council in upcoming elections!  Read more…

Help get Meany Lodge ready for winter adventures

Are you good with your hands? Can you take apart an engine? Can you swing a hammer or clean a kitchen? If you can say yes to any of the above (and even if you don't), sign up for Meany's fall work parties. These work parties are a very good way to meet the folks who run our Meany Lodge  and see the inner-workings of a winter full of fun.  Read more…

Leader Spotlight: Bill Borom

For our Leader Spotlight this month we talked to Bill Borom, a 5-year leader whose involvement in a wide variety of club activities has continued to spark his sense of adventure and expand his pool of friends to adventure with! Read more…

Vision 2022: Discussing Survey Results at Town Hall Sessions, Sept 28, Oct 2 & 4

We're more than halfway through the process of building 'Vision 2022' - our strategic plan to carry us forward through the next five years. We've completed our community survey and are looking forward to sharing the results in our upcoming town hall sessions.  Read more…

Make your ideas a reality - volunteer on a committee!

Did you know that The Mountaineers club didn’t have a paid employee until 1984? Tired of all of the paperwork, the growing organization hired a part-time administrator to help with waivers and dues so that volunteers could focus on the fun stuff: developing courses, providing instruction, leading trips, and running committees. Read more…

Introduction to Hiking - Oct 16 in Issaquah

Are you new to the Pacific Northwest and to giving hiking/backpacking a try for the first time? If you're not sure where to go, how to find compatible people to go with, what gear you need, or how to do it safely, join us on Monday, October 16 for a free seminar. Read more…

Nominees Wanted for Foothills Branch Leadership Roles

Our Mountaineers Foothills Branch (covering the communities on the east side of Lake Washington, from Woodinville to Renton) is the fastest growing branch in The Mountaineers. We offer exciting programs, from snowshoeing and backcountry skiing to backpacking and more.   Read more…

Strategic Plan Survey: Please Provide Feedback for Vision 2022

We're halfway through the process of building 'Vision 2022' - our strategic plan to carry us forward through the next five years. After rounds of feedback from staff, committee members, and three 'town hall' meetings, we've put together a survey to help us further define our future priorities.  Read more…

Progress On Our Next Strategic Plan - June Town Hall Recaps

We've begun building 'Vision 2022' - our strategic plan to carry us forward through the next five years. For 111 years, we have welcomed people from all walks of life into a community that shares deep connections to the outdoors. We intend to carry forward this legacy for  111 more years and beyond, which is why we're working collaboratively to create Vision 2022, our next strategic plan.  Read more…

Introduction to Hiking in the PNW - Free Seminar in Issaquah July 6

There's still room in this free and informative two-hour evening seminar, designed for brand new hikers and for people who have hiked before but want an introduction to safe hiking in our major Pacific Northwest hiking areas. Join us Thursday, June 6 in Issaquah and unlock your new passion. Read more…

Introducing Kick Step IPA: A Beer Partnership with Ghostfish Brewing

We're excited to introduce Kick Step IPA, a bold and distinctly Northwest India Pale Ale by Ghostfish Brewing, benefiting The Mountaineers. Read more…

Become a volunteer hike or backpack leader - Seminar June 22

Attendees of our Leader Seminar will learn what it means to lead a Mountaineers hike or backpack. We'll cover how to prepare and lead your participants in a safe and enjoyable outing and how to handle some common on-trail leadership challenges, as well as how to post a hike or backpack and a post-trip activity report. This seminar  will get you started toward becoming a certified trip leader for the Seattle or Foothills Branches. (this seminar can count toward certification for the other branches as well!) Read more…

Vision 2022 - Steering Committee and Plan for Engaging Our Community

For 111 years, The Mountaineers has been a passionate group of bold explorers welcoming people from all walks of life into a community that shares deep connections to the outdoors. Adventure is at the core of who we are as Mountaineers, but for us, it’s adventure with a purpose. Vision 2022, our next strategic plan, will outline the best ways we can continue to carry forward our legacy of volunteer-led outdoor education and conservation advocacy and you can get involved. Read more…

Stay at Stevens Lodge and Welcome Summer PCT Hikers!

If you love exchanging stories of the trail or are interested in a mini vacation close to home, we have the perfect opportunity for you. The volunteers who run our  Mountaineers Lodge at Stevens Pass are hoping to open the lodge to Pacific Crest Trail thru hikers, and we need a few volunteers to commit to staffing Stevens Lodge for a week apiece from August 20 - September 30.  Read more…

Vision 2022 - Creating Our Next Strategic Plan

For 111 years, The Mountaineers has been a passionate group of bold explorers welcoming people from all walks of life into a community that shares deep connections to the outdoors. We’re adventurers driven by imagination, challenge, and the spirit of discovery. Read more…

The Mountaineers Core Values

Mountaineers have been enjoying the lands and waters of the Pacific Northwest and beyond for 110 years, and it's our long-term aspiration to be thriving for another 110 years. As we look toward Vision 2022 - our next strategic plan - we felt it was time to put our core values on paper. Read more…

Backcountry Skiing at Baker Lodge - March 17-19

If you're looking to take your backcountry skiing to the next level, we hope you'll join us for an immersive weekend at our Baker Lodge March 17-19. We'll use the Baker Ski area to practice skiing tactics in steep terrain while building confidence to ski the backcountry. Read more…

Wanted: Stories of your Walks in the Wild

Co-sponsored by the Foothills and Seattle Hiking and Backpacking Committees, this presentation series is about the unique and special places our members have explored on two feet with a pack on their back. These are places worthy of a life-list for other wild-walkers, places that are off the normal tourist track but still in-reach of any fit and hardy Mountaineer with the urge to go far afield. Read more…

Take your kids backpacking!

Backpacking with your kids in the backcountry can be a rewarding adventure for children and parents alike. Unplug, expose your kids to the joys of being outdoors, be together as a family, and watch your children mature into outdoor enthusiasts. Read more…