Intro to Frontcountry Trail Running

Field trip: Introduction to Trail Running: Frontcountry

Intro to Frontcountry Trail Running - Saint Edward State Park

Learn and practice trail running skills at a local frontcountry trail: Saint Edward State Park

  • For Beginners (Getting Started Series)
  • Mileage: 7.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 1,300 ft

This session's topic: TBA

We'll take a loop through the woods of gently rolling hills that will traverse both Saint Edward State Park and Big Finn Hill County Park. 

    Corner of Juanita Drive NE, NE Arrowhead Drive, and NE 153rd Place, at 6:30 pm.

    Parking may be available in the Arrowhead Elementary School parking lot, if there's no Little League practice that night. You can also park along the west side of Juanita Drive (with a Discover Pass) or park along  NE 153rd Place.


    Saint Edward State Park

    Required Equipment

    Required Equipment

    Please wear layers of breathable, technical clothing suitable for outdoor aerobic activities.

    • Waterproof jacket, hat, buff, gloves, sunglasses, gaiters are recommended.
    • Trail running shoes
    • A small day pack 
    • Bring snacks and water.
    Trip Reports