Intro to Frontcountry Trail Running

Field trip: Introduction to Trail Running: Frontcountry

Intro to Frontcountry Trail Running - Seward Park

Learn and practice trail running skills at a local frontcountry trail: Seward Park

  • Easy
  • For Beginners (Getting Started Series)
  • Mileage: 4.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 300 ft

This session's topic is: Running uphills and downhills.

Please note that the trail run leader will be bringing a leashed dog to this run.

Meeting time: 6:00PM

Meeting place: between restrooms and the visitor center (Audubon Center) in front of the park.



Seward Park

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Please wear layers of breathable, technical clothing suitable for outdoor aerobic activities.

  • Waterproof jacket, hat, buff, gloves, sunglasses, gaiters are recommended.
  • Trail running shoes
  • A small day pack 
  • Bring snacks and water.
Trip Reports