Activity Templates

Intro to Trail Running: Frontcountry - Online Session
Online classroom session where we will discuss course overview, trail running gear, basic frontcountry trail navigation, basic trail running techniques and etiquette, hydration and nutrition basics, and trail running safety.

Intro to Trail Running: Frontcountry - Trail and Group Etiquette
This field trip will focus on trail and group etiquette for trail running.

Intro to Trail Running: Frontcountry - Uphill and Downhill Running
This field trip will focus on uphill and downhill running.

Intro to Trail Running: Frontcountry - Running on Technical Terrain
This field trip will focus on running skills for technical terrain - Running on trails with rocks, roots, mud, creeks, etc.

Intro to Frontcountry Trail Running
Learn and practice trail running skills at a local frontcountry trail.

Classroom Session
Learn how to get started with trail running: we'll cover how this course works plus we will talk gear, clothing, route selection, safety, and more.