Introduction to Trail Running Racing

Field trip: Introduction to Trail Running Racing

Introduction to Trail Running Racing - Tiger Mountain Lowlands

Practice trail running skills and build your milage base at a local frontcountry trail.

  • Easy
  • Easy
  • Mileage: 4.0
  • Elevation Gain: 800 ft

We will meet at the High Point parking lot at 5:30PM. 

Gaia route: Tradition Plateau 4

This session focuses on building your base milage. We will meet at a location suitable for practicing trail running.

A suggested gear list will be provided at the classroom session.


Tiger Mountain Lowlands

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Please wear layers of breathable, technical clothing suitable for outdoor aerobic activities.

  • Weather appropriate layers
  • Trail running shoes
  • A small day pack or belt 
  • Bring snacks and water
Trip Reports