Backpacking Building Blocks Student-Only Backpack

Field trip: Backpacking Building Blocks (B3) Course

Backpacking Building Blocks Student-Only Backpack - Mount Townsend

Join us for this two-nighter on the Olympic Peninsula for wildflowers, old growth, waterfalls and views! Preference given to Kat and Christina's mentor group.

  • Moderate
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 6.5 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 3,000 ft


Our proposed plan: 

  • Day One: hike from upper TH to Windy camp, 2.5 mi, 2000 gain, 150 loss  
  • Day Two: hike from Windy Camp to Mount Townsend summit (3mi, 1000 gain/loss)
  • Day Three hike out, 2.5 mi, 150 gain, 2000 loss

Mount Townsend

  • USGS Mt Townsend

    Green Trails Olympic Mountains East No. 168S

    Custom Correct Buckhorn Wilderness
  • See full route/place details.
Required Equipment

Required Equipment

The Ten Essentials, plus overnight gear as specified by the trip leader.

Trip Reports