July Hikes: 3.75 to 6.5 miles, 500 to 1,750 feet gain

Field trip: GoHike: Beginner Hiking Course

July Hikes: 3.75 to 6.5 miles, 500 to 1,750 feet gain - Talapus & Olallie Lakes

A moderate 6.2 mile hike between two beautiful lakes with shade and even a chance for a dip to cool your feet off in the lake if you want. Mostly a gradual ascent of 1,220 feet, the easy to moderate 1.5-2.0 mph pace with some nice lake time should make this a winner. This hike may count toward your monthly required GoHike course July hike.

  • Moderate
  • Easy
  • Mileage: 7.4 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 1,183 ft
  • Pace: 1.5-2.0

Talapus Lake Trailhead at 10:45 am ready to circle up by 11 am. Carpooling can be helpful due to limited trailhead parking. More details to come.

Getting there:

From I-5 or I-405, head east on I-90 to exit 45. Turn left, and drive under the freeway on FR 9030. In 1 mile follow the road around to the right at a junction. Continue straight on a gravel, sometimes severely potholed road to the trailhead at the road's end.

Parking Pass Required:

A Northwest Forest Pass or America the Beautiful Pass is required to park here (these are not available for purchase at the trailhead). 


Carpooling is always welcome to honor leave no trace/less trace. Please consider peeking at the roster and reaching out for carpool buddies if you'd like.

Leader typically follows a casual, social, naturalist style, stopping here and there to check out the surrounding beauty, sip some water, and check in. This hike typically takes around 4 hours, our group will keep the pace and aim for completing this hike in 4-5 hours so we can enjoy the lakes a bit. We will keep up the pace a bit this time for more lake time.



Check the weather a few days prior so you know what it will be like. The Hello Hiker email will detail the days' weather closer to the hike date.


For this hike we will try to keep an easy to moderate pace so folks know what 1.5-2.0 feels like. We will stop here and there for breaks or the occasional photo opportunity, but we will stay steady mostly so we can spend our time at the lakes.


Talapus Lake Trail

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Your leader will send out a Hello Hiker email prior to the hike with details on the hike, as well as recommended and required equipment.

  • 10 Essentials
  • Poles
  • Good boots for mud
  • Rain jacket/gear if drizzly
  • Water and snacks and/or lunch for a solid hike and some climb
Trip Reports