Urban Walk Leader: Pedestrian Safety Training Seminar - Online - Online Classroom


Urban Walk Leader: Pedestrian Safety Training Seminar - Online - Online Classroom

A virtual online 2 hour Urban Walk Leader: Pedestrian Safety Training Seminar for hike leaders interested in earning the Pedestrian Safety Skills Badge, and/or the Urban Walk Leader Badge, and leading Urban Walk activities, and for individuals interested in learning about pedestrian safety and/or earning the Pedestrian Safety Skills Badge. Urban Walks are outings of two miles or longer that take place on city or suburban streets, parks or greenbelts, where there is consistent cell phone service and nearby emergency access and egress points.

  • Casual

This seminar will be held as an online Zoom session, beginning at 7:00 pm and lasting for about 2 hours. Log in information for this session will be sent to registered participants in advance of the scheduled session.

This seminar is for:

  • Hike leaders who are interested in leading Urban Walks and earning the Pedestrian Safety Skills Badge, and/or an Urban Walk Leader Badge
  • Hike, Naturalist, or Photography leaders who are leading  hikes or field trips in urban suburban parks and interested learning about urban risk management strategies and possibly earning the Pedestrian Safety Skills Badge
  • Individuals interested in learning about pedestrian safety and/or earning the Pedestrian Safety Skills Badge.

This seminar provides:

  • A definition of Urban Walks
  • An overview of steps to become an Urban Walks Leader.
  • Identification of  risks and opportunities unique to leading activities in the urban and suburban settings and offers strategies to anticipate and manage the risks for safe trips. Other leaders, leading trips in the urban settings have also found this information valuable.
  • A portion of the session is dedicated to reviewing, real-life, pedestrian safety scenarios typical of those that Urban Walk Leaders and their participants may encounter. A collection of reference materials for use by prospective Urban Walk leaders will be provided by email in advance of the session. Participant's homework is to review these documents before the seminar.

The Pedestrian Safety Skills Badge requires attendance at this seminar and a passing score of 80% or better on a short quiz after the seminar. A link to the quiz will be emailed to participants after the seminar.

For more information:

Pedestrian Safety Skills Badge information page: https://www.mountaineers.org/membership/badges/skill-badges/pedestrian-safety

Urban Walk Leader Badge information page: https://www.mountaineers.org/membership/badges/leader-badges/urban-walk-leader


participants will earn:

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

A collection of reference materials for use by prospective Urban Walk leaders will be provided by email in advance of the session. Participant's homework is to review these documents before the seminar.

Please print out and review the Urban Walk Leader Pedestrian Safety Reference Guide, and bring to our session.

Trip Reports