"Staying Found" Basic Navigation for Hikers and Backpackers - Foothills  - 2016

Navigation Course

"Staying Found" Basic Navigation for Hikers and Backpackers

Hands-on field training day to help hikers and backpackers become confident with tools and skills to maintain a steady awareness of where you are on the most complicated trail systems.

JUNE 11, 2016 9AM-3PM, Tradition Lake Education Shelter near High Point Trailhead.

This hands-on field training day, to be held in the Tradition Lake area of Tiger Mountain State Park, will focus on skills and practice to become confident reading a topographic map against the features of the terrain around you, get important information from a compass and altimeter, and maintain a steady awareness of where you are as well as how to find yourself if you get temporarily misplaced. 

Backpacking Building Blocks students can register for this class at a discount as part of the B3 course.  Find the B3 course at www.mountaineers.org/about/branches-committees/foothills-branch/committees/foothills-hiking-backpacking/foothills-backpacking-committee/course-templates/backpacking-building-blocks-b3-course/backpacking-building-blocks-b3-course-foothills-2016.

Active Foothills hike and backpack leaders can apply for a discount code to attend this class for free.  To inquire about whether you can qualify, contact the committee chair at cascadehiker@earthlink.net.

Course Requirements
Required Equipment
Course Materials
Course Requirements

This course has no scheduled activities.

Required Equipment

Required:  Compass with adjustable declination is required (sighting mirror helpful);  Ten Essentials, including warm clothing and raingear; accurate watch; clipboard and pencil

Altimeter is recommended but not required

Course Materials

There are no materials for this course.