Navigation Activity (1 of 4) - Online Map & Compass: Students & Instructors

Lecture: Wilderness Navigation

Navigation Activity (1 of 4) - Online Map & Compass: Students & Instructors - Online Classroom

The first of four activities required to complete our Wilderness Navigation course.

  • Easy

Click the "More+" button below to read all the important info!

Sign up
Sign-up for the "Wilderness Navigation Course - Foothills" (click the link to the right).  Then go to the course webpage and click the blue "Manage Registration" button on the right side of that page.

 This online Map & Compass module provides the foundation for the activities that follow. It is not optional and is not a substitute for other components.  Please consider your ability to work independently and  set aside the time you'll need to complete this course (it can take up to 8 hours, not including reading time). 

On the start date, you'll receive an email with a link to the course on Coassemble (a Learning Management System separate from  You may work the modules in any order and  you must successfully finish all of the online modules to be deemed complete.  Volunteer instructors are available to answer questions.

Use of a modern computer, laptop, or tablet with the ability to download/upload files is required.

Compass and Maps:
See the "Required Equipment" tab on the main course page. You need an approved compass and a USGS Baring map for this online module.  The USGS Baring map can be downloaded here. Only specific compasses will be accepted, so before purchasing a compass make sure to read our compass requirements.  

If you cannot finish this module within the time allotted, please contact the activity lead. You will not be able to continue the Wilderness Navigation course.

Your main role will be to answer questions and grade certain modules. The activity leader also sets up student logins within the Coassemble Learning Management System, tracks student progress, and manages completion. Please also register for the online training activity, "Instructor Training - Online / e-Learning Activities - Online Classroom".


Required Equipment
Trip Reports

Online Classroom

Missing Mapbox GL JS CSS
Required Equipment

Required Equipment


  • Approved compass (refer to the main page for the course for more details).
  • USGS Baring map.
  • Modern Wilderness Navigation by Steve McClure.


  • A "Romer" from Some compasses have a romer scale on their base plate.
Trip Reports