Foothills Wilderness Navigation Equivalency

Foothills Wilderness Navigation Equivalency

A way for experienced navigators to gain the Basic Navigation badge, which is a requirement to graduate from several other Mountaineers programs.

Wilderness Navigation Equivalency is an opportunity for Mountaineers club members who are experienced in off trail navigation using the modern navigation tools, popular with Mountaineers climbers and scramblers, to gain the Basic Navigation badge as well as the Basic GPS badge. These are the badges obtained by taking the Wilderness Navigation Course.

If you need to renew your previously earned Basic Navigation badge, which expires after a few years, you can renew it by instructing at the Wilderness Navigation course.  Contact the leader of the Foothills Wilderness Navigation course for sign-up instructions.

Equivalency candidates must be a paid member of the Mountaineers and have participated in or registered for at least one course or multiple activities with the Foothills branch.  Highly qualified candidates that are seeking equivalency for Foothills Scrambling or Climbing are also eligible.  If you are taking the Alpine Scrambling or Basic Climbing course through a different Mountaineers Branch, please contact that branch’s navigation committee.


  1. Read the description of the upcoming Foothills Wilderness Navigation Course. (use the “Courses | Find Courses” link above). You would be expected to already have ALL of those skills and put them into practice.
  2. Complete the Equivalency Application and email it to the Equivalency Coordinator (see email link below).
  3. The Equivalency Coordinator will review your application and get back with you to schedule a phone interview.
  4. Assist as an instructor at the Wilderness Navigation Course Fieldtrip.


Contact the Equivalency Coordinator for more information.

Tags: Navigation, Equivalency