Kitsap Navigation Committee
WIlderness Navigation Course
The Kitsap Navigation committee leads a Wilderness Navigation Course twice a year. The course provides an introduction to the orientation and navigation skills you will need to find your way in the outdoors. This course is focused on helping you learn to relate features on a topographic map to your surroundings, use a compass to determine true bearing to features and landmarks, use a map to determine your desired direction of travel, and to determine your location based on your surroundings. It also introduces using GPS and an altimeter to also help you find your way.
The course consists of an eLearning workshop and one full day field trip and is held in the Spring and Fall of each year. Think you already have this skillset from another course or previous experience? Contact the chair for equivalency.
Become an instructor!
The navigation committee is always looking for instructors to help teach the course. If you have taken the course previously you are qualified to instruct. This is a great way to keep your knowledge and skills current.