Basic Climbing Equivalency Evaluation - Olympia

Field trip: Basic Alpine Climbing Equivalency

Basic Climbing Equivalency Evaluation - Olympia - Mountaineers Tacoma Program Center

Evaluation for acceptance into the Olympia Branch Basic Climbing Equivalency program.

  • Easy

This information will be communicated to the students registered.

Equivalency is for experienced climbers who have not taken the Mountaineers Basic Climbing course. This is an opportunity for those climbers to gain access to and participate in many of the club’s climbing activities. These activities may include but are not limited to alpine scrambles, Basic level climbs, climbing seminars, and additional/advanced climbing courses. In addition, if applicants are granted equivalency, one will qualify to participate in snowshoe tours, hikes and will have the opportunity to become involved with certain leadership activities.

To apply for Basic Climbing Equivalency  please submit a resume of  climbing experience that shows that you have mountaineering training and experience that meets or exceeds the requirements for course graduation. Review the course listing page for detailed information.

Basic Equivalency is not available to Basic Climbing Course Students who were enrolled in the previous season's course but failed to complete the course requirements. However, climbers who were enrolled in the Basic Climbing Course in prior years and have additional (or adequate, or significant) climbing experience outside of the club are eligible to apply.



Mountaineers Tacoma Program Center

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Refer to the Basic Climbing Course Student Manual for information on gear required at field trips. 

Trip Reports