Olympia Navigation Field Trip

Field trip: Wilderness Navigation

Olympia Navigation Field Trip - Kennedy Creek

This all-day field trip provides the student plenty of opportunities to practice their compass, teamwork, route finding, terrain recognition, and general navigation skills.

  • Easy/Moderate
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 2.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 300 ft
  • Kennedy Creek Natural Resource Conservation Area
  • This Google map has the carpool and Kennedy Creek sites marked.
  • Carpooling: If you like, you can gather at Haggen Foods (1313 Cooper Point Rd SW, Olympia, WA 98502), in the northwest corner of the parking lot and arrange carpooling. Plan to arrive 45 minutes before your start time and leave the parking lot 30 minutes before your start time. The freeway entrance is just south of the store, on Black Lake Blvd.

    Follow US-101 from Olympia west through town. Take a slight right to stay on US-101 N (signs for Shelton/Port Angeles). From the slight right, drive 4.5 miles toward Shelton (past the Steamboat Island interchange, past Oyster Bay Rd, and past Holiday Valley Dr), pass mile marker 358, and turn left onto Old Olympic Highway. Follow that road about 0.75 miles to the gravel road on the left.

    If you cross Kennedy Creek or pass Oyster Bay itself on US-101, you’ve gone too far. Take the next left onto Old Olympic Highway and cross back over the creek to the meeting place.

There will be approximately five stations to rotate throughout the day. Some will be quick and easy and others will take a bit more time. In total, it should take each group about 4-5 hours to complete all exercises. Preassigned groups of 8-10 students will be scheduled to start the course in hour intervals so to stagger starts throughout the day. Start times will be: 9AM, 10AM, and 11AM.

Upon completion of the field day exercises your group leaders will release you to go home. Do not rush through the exercises expecting to leave early. Saturday night after the field trip, a link to the final test will be emailed out to all students.


Kennedy Creek

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Bring all 10 essentials, snacks, and water. Be prepared for whatever weather happens to greet us. Also bring your compass, pencil, and your phone with Gaia/CalTopo GPS apps loaded. Be prepared to have fun. Hiking boots are strongly recommended.

Trip Reports