Olympia Mountaineers Used Gear Sale
- Thu, Feb 6, 2020 from 06:30 PM to 08:30 PM
- Olympia Branch
- Olympia
- iCal
Members of the Mountaineers who want to sell used gear will need to RSVP as a "volunteer" for this event. You need to be a member of the Mountaineers to sell items at this event. Only 30 sellers will be allowed, and will need to be on the list, which will be checked to assure membership in the Mountaineers.
For those wanting to buy items, this event is open to anyone who would like to shop for used and unused gear that could be used in any Mountaineers events, i.e. backpacking, climbing, scrambling, kayaking, biking, etc. Sellers need to restrict what they sell to items used in any official Mountaineering activity.
Sellers whose names are on the official check in list will be allowed in at 5:30 pm when they will get a name tag. Sellers should have their items ready with price tags on each. All unsold items need to be removed by 9:00 pm. Tables will be available, but space may require you share a table. There will be floor space for big items, like bikes and kayaks.
Buyers and other shoppers can not enter the sales area until 6:30 pm. Registration is not required to attend to buy, but only sellers on the registration list will be allowed in before 6:00.
All sales and buys are cash transactions only. If sellers want to accept checks or transfer funds on line using their own phones or a computer, that is between you and the buyers. The Mountaineers will have no responsibility for incomplete transaction during or after the event and sellers may want plenty of change to settle sales.
There will be a donation can or box for sellers to contribute toward the cost of the room, but otherwise there is no formal fee. Sellers need to sign up on the RSVP list (signing up as a 'volunteer") if you intend to sell items and sign in when you arrive at the event between 5:30 and 6:00. Do not contact the event leader prior to registration opening.