Gear Discount Evening and Boot Week - Feathered Friends, Seattle

Lecture: Alpine Scrambling Course

Gear Discount Evening and Boot Week - Feathered Friends, Seattle

After-hours Gear Discount Night for the Seattle Alpine Scrambling Course. 10% / 15% off your gear purchases at the event. Instructors will be on hand to help. Because boot purchases take time, Feathered Friends will offer 15% off on boots for the week of February 11 - 17

  • Casual

Feathered Friends Retail Store, 263 Yale Avenue North, Seattle, WA 98109

Join us for an exclusive after-hours shopping night at Feathered Friends.
From 6:00pm-8:00  Feathered Friends will be providing discounts while helping you get the gear you need for the course/season.  Scramble Instructors will also be there to offer advice. It's a great time to get a discount and solid advice on the scrambling gear you'll need, especially ice axes, helmets, crampons, boots, and packs.
Discounts are as follows:
15% off scrambling gear
10% off Feathered Friends merchandise
*Sign up is not required for attending boot week outside of the gear discount evening.
*Discount is open to instructors and all Mountaineers staff.

Feathered Friends, Seattle

Required Equipment

Required Equipment


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