Canyoning Skills Practice Session


Canyoning Skills Practice Session - Mountaineers Seattle Program Center

Come join us on Valentine’s Day for a practice session at the Mountaineers. We all know your true love is canyoning and gummy candy anyways. :)

  • Moderate

Seattle Program Center North Plaza at noon!

Priority is for Mountaineers course graduates. 

COVID-19 Guidelines: At this time we are planning on this being an outdoor only practice session. Maximum group size is 14 people including event leaders & hosts. For this event we are looking at a ratio of 11 participants and 3 hosts. We will be organizing practice stations so that participants are as evenly spread out as possible to maximize social distancing.

Our Go/No-Go Criteria: COVID-19 cases are showing a steady decline in the Puget Sound region at this time. If the data curve for confirmed cases and hospital admissions flatlines or begins to increase again, we will consider cancelling the event. We will continue to monitor virus metrics up until the event.

What to Bring: Your personal canyoning equipment, mask/buff, jacket & other warm layers, lunch/snacks for you or to share. Additional canyoning equipment from the Mountaineers will be available to loan out for the day. 

If that’s not exciting enough, we’re also raffling off a mystery canyon item and you get to hang out with awesome people!

Skills Focus:

  1. Vertical Movement: Ascending, Conversions, Passing Knots
  2. Rigging: EMO, MMO, Unlinked Anchors
  3. Rebelays 
  4. Indirect Rope Cutting

What’s Happening Afterwards? Happy hour, of course. Tentative location: Magnuson Brewery

Volunteers: We are looking for 2 volunteers who feel confident in their rigging skills to help set up practice stations prior to the event. Volunteers will meet at 10:30am to begin setting up skills stations. Please message Tiffanie or Jake if you are interested.

Other questions? Contact the leaders!


Mountaineers Seattle Program Center

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Bring your canyoning gear. If you need to borrow anything, please let the leaders know in advance!

Trip Reports