Advanced Conditioning Hiking Series - Seattle - 2016

Day Hiking Course

Advanced Conditioning Hiking Series

Enrollment is strictly limited to graduates of Conditioning Hiking Series (Seattle or Olympia) or Advanced CHS (Seattle).

Overview:  Have you been through the Conditioning Hiking Series previously and fallen in love with the program? If so, Advanced Conditioning Hiking Series is for you. Open only to seasoned CHS participants, this course offers you the opportunity to continue hiking with your fellow CHS graduates, building up your speed and distance for that satisfying graduation hike. 

Audience: There will be both ACHS 1 and ACHS 2 hike opportunities through each month, so CHS graduates from either pacing group are welcome. 

What to Expect: Since you have already gone through the CHS orientation, you will not need to attend another. So, get ready to jump right into hiking! Plus, since this is Advanced CHS we will be punching up the mileage and pace a bit for each hiking group - think CHS 1.5 and CHS 3. The first month, feel free to try both ACHS 1 and ACHS 2 to see where you feel comfortable this year. ACHS is unique in that you will only be required to participate in one hike per month from April through August, with one graduation hike in September. Additionally, you will need to complete one day of trail work. However, if you decide to become a hike leader and help lead ACHS, CHS or regular club hikes (at least 3), then this requirement will be waived.

Enrollment Process: You must be a member of The Mountaineers to register for the course. Registration for the 2016 ACHS course is from Jan. 27 through Feb. 24. The course fee is $75.00. As with all club hikes, participants are expected to pay the carpooling per mile allotment set by the club guidelines if they are riding as a passenger. 

Online or telephone registration is available. Mail-in registration forms will not be accepted — no exceptions! Enrollment will be limited to 60 participants. Registration will be first-come, first-served. Those participants still on the waitlist as of May 1 will receive priority signup for the course in 2017.

Course Requirements

This course has no scheduled activities.

Additional badges needed to graduate


Required Equipment

You must have the 10 Essentials on every hike:

  1. Map
  2. Compass
  3. Water & a way to purify more water
  4. Extra food
  5. Rain gear and extra layers
  6. Matches
  7. First Aid Kit
  8. Knife or all-purpose tool
  9. Flashlight or headlamp with extra batteries
  10. Sunscreen

Additionally, you must have sturdy hiking shoes or boots.  If the trail is going to be rough, the instructor might require you to wear over the heel hiking boots for extra ankle support.

Course Materials

There are no materials for this course.