CHS 2 Hike

Field trip: Conditioning Hiking Series

CHS 2 Hike - Ridge & Gravel Lakes

Ridge and Gravel Re-do! Hike on the PCT over the Kendall Katwalk to Ridge and Gravel Lakes, this time without snow (fingers crossed)! CHS hike led at a CHS 2 pace (2.0-3.0 mph).

  • Strenuous
  • Challenging
  • Mileage: 14.2 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 3,000 ft

6:30 am at Preston P&R, 7 am at trailhead.  Post-hike meal likely at Laconia Market at Snoqualmie Pass.  More details to come in Hello Hiker email.

This hike will include an hour of silent hiking to better tune into our senses and surroundings.

I expect that the moving pace will average around 2.2-2.5 MPH if you like that sort of info.


Kendall Katwalk

  • Green Trails Snoqualmie Pass Gateway No. 207S

    Green Trails Snoqualmie Pass No. 207

    USGS Snoqualmie Pass
  • See full route/place details.
Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Ten Essential Systems

  1. Navigation (map & compass)
  2. Sun protection (sunglasses & sunscreen)
  3. Insulation (extra clothing)
  4. Illumination (headlamp/flashlight)
  5. First-aid supplies
  6. Fire (waterproof matches/lighter/candle)
  7. Repair kit and tools
  8. Nutrition (extra food)
  9. Hydration (extra water)
  10. Emergency shelter (tent/plastic tube tent/garbage bag)
Trip Reports