Basic Kayaking Seattle  2021

Sea Kayaking Course

Basic Sea Kayaking Course

Sea Kayaking Basic Course - Seattle 2021

Due to COVID 19, we are running this course with limited capacity, small number of participants. If this course is full, please sign up anyway so your name will be in this course waiting list. If we have enough people in the waiting list, we will run the course again later in the year and you will be  the first to be notified.

If you have your own equipment and some sea kayaking experience consider applying for Seattle Sea Kayaking Equivalency.

If you’ve ever wondered what it must feel like to glide over the water in a small but seaworthy craft; if seeing marine life from a new perspective, or landing/camping on remote beaches “floats your boat”, then this comprehensive and highly-acclaimed Basic Sea Kayaking Course could be your ticket.  Offered annually by the Seattle Branch, this training is designed to prepare you for moderate fresh or salt water outings.  All of this training is conducted in single-seat kayaks with approved safety features.  For everyone’s safety, we require that you be able to swim 25 yards, and be able to re-enter a kayak from the water.  Did we mention that kayaking is best practiced as a team sport, and you’ll meet an amazingly supportive and sociable group of paddlers?

You will be introduced to the following:

  1. Equipment including kayaks, paddles, clothing, and minimum gear for safe trips
  2. Cold water environments, hypothermia and survival
  3. Rescues and the importance of team work
  4. Sea conditions including weather, waves, tides and currents
  5. Basic navigation, trip planning and seamanship
  6. Paddling skills and countering the effects of wind and waves on boat behavior
  7. Safety, conservation practices and followership
  8. Just how much FUN sea kayaking can be!

The course consists of a short online class via Zoom, three days of on the water instruction, the last of which satisfies the requirement for one of the two student paddle trips.  There are reading and video viewing assignments to be completed prior to zoom class room and water instruction days.  Google classroom will be used to deliver the assignments and important messages.

Dates, locations and times for these are:

  • Zoom class room - Thursday, May 13, 2021 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
  • Water Instruction Day 1 & Day 2,  Saturday & Sunday, May 22 & 23, 2021, approximately at 8 hours each day at Lake Washington Concrete Beach in Magnuson Park.  
  • Water Instruction Day three:  Salt Water Paddle--Choose one on Saturday June 5, 2021 or Sunday June 13, 2021 at Port Gamble
  • 2nd Student Paddle - Several student paddles, will be offered to assist the students in completing their course requirements.  Registration for these paddles will open in June.

Attendance during the Zoom session, completion of required pre-course homework, attendance of both on the Water Instruction day, one Salt Water Paddle instruction and the successful demonstration of wet exits, self rescues, assisted rescues, basic strokes and the participation in one qualifying student paddles (subsequent to the Salt Water Paddle instruction) are required to graduate.   

Badges you will earn:

Course Requirements
Required Equipment
Course Materials
Course Requirements

This course has no scheduled activities.

Required Equipment

Equipment Requirements and Costs:

Students are required to provide or rent sea kayaks and equipment, including dry suits, for all on Water Instruction. This equipment can be rented.  You are not required to own a dry suit, kayak, and accessories prior to taking the course.   

Kayaks, spray skirt, pump, paddle float and dry suits can be rented from, among others,  Kayak Academy Rentals  and from Olympic Outdoor Center These costs are not included in the course fee.

If you don’t have the equipment now, do not buy it before the class!  Wait to learn what you need.

If at least 10 of you rent from Kayak Academy for the Lake Washington sessions, Kayak Academy will deliver.  After that, you can rent from them for pickup at their location, see website for details.  For the Port Gamble saltwater paddle you can also rent at the location from Olympic, see their website for details.  

If you are providing your own dry suit or sea kayak for the Water Instruction days, you must email a picture, to verify that it meets the club’s requirements.

Course Materials

You must register for this course to see course materials.