Seattle Urban Walk Committee

Seattle Urban Walk Committee

Seattle Urban Walk Committee offers scores of walks in the urban/suburban area. We walk in parks and greenbelts, along city streets, and seek to better understand and protect our cultural and natural heritage.

Why Urban Walks? Scores of Mountaineers Urban Walks are led each year although some are yet labeled “Day Hikes” and others “Urban Adventures.” Urban Adventures are less than 2 miles while Urban Walks are 2 or more miles, within the urban/suburban shadow, have good cell reception and reliable emergency responder access/ egress. Urban Walks have Clubwide standards and an Activity Council Charter (2023).

 Where is the urban/back country line? Each branch decides where to designate urban/suburban vs. backcountry outings. Seattle and Foothills declare the Issaquah Alps Day Hikes. But St Edward and Salt Water State Parks are Urban Walks.

Different Safety Skills? Pedestrian safety is paramount as fatalities have increased nationwide in recent years. Parties stay intact with a lead and sweep, not dispersed. Headlamps are required at night. Leaders research local data about crime or homeless camps. Footwear choice can be critical in Greenbelts.

Are they all “walks in the park?” Many are. But guidebooks like Urban Trails Seattle, Seattle Walks, and Seattle Stairways Walks suggest unique routes. Seattle explores P-Patches, the CD and Chinatown ID, sunsets, really long walks (>20 miles), stairways conditioners, walks for seniors... Naturalists and photographers lead intense urban walks.

Urban Adventures? Urban Adventures  (excursions less than 2 miles) are not managed by Seattle Urban Walk Committee.

Wish To  Become an Urban Walk Leader?

Which First Aid Providers?  Urban Walk Leaders are expected to practice First Aid skills relevant to the urban environment where emergency access and response is readily available. 

Urban walk leaders who lead trips during The Mountaineers fiscal year (Oct through Sept) at levels determined by the committee will be reimbursed at least 50% of their certification fees.

Committee approved local First Aid/CPR providers:

CPR Northwest Washington

CPR Seattle                                    

Medic One Foundation

American Red Cross Northwest Region

Urban Stewardship.  

Urban Walk leaders are required to earn the Stewardship Badge and participants are encouraged to do so. Two three-hour sessions or a single six-hour session satisfy the requirement. 


While stewardship outside the urban/suburban area is honored, we hope members will include service in our urban walking areas.

Seattle Urban Walk Stewardship Providers

Carkeek Park STARS (Streams, Trails and Restoration Stewards)

EarthCorps (Seattle)

Friends of Cheasty Greenspace (Mountain View)

Green Seattle Partnerships

The Mountaineers

Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust

Seattle Parks and Recreation

Shadow Lake Nature Preserve

Washington Trails Association

Seattle Olmsted Circuit -- 120 km (75 miles)

Seattle Urban Walks  in collaboration with Friends of Seattle's Olmsted Parks, has plotted a GaiaGPS route with  turn-by-turn directions and CalTopo pdf maps for a 120km (75 mile) urban trail in 12sections.  Fleets of Mountaineers urban walkers volunteered as critical friends to test walk and offer section edits. Each section is divided into smaller sections (including 2025 Loop Options) with public transportation, public toilets and treats available at boundaries. 

Walkers are guided by PDFs of turn-by-turn directions, street maps and gpx files -- no on the ground signage. Mountaineers Routes and Places descriptions for each section from Ballard Locks to Rainier Beach Playfield to West Seattle and back to the Locks along the string of Olmsted parks and boulevards.

We've invited unique neighborhood businesses such as brewpubs, bakeries, coffee shops, ice cream parlors where hungry or thirsty walkers could stop in.

Elevation gain is minimized and barrier free access portions are called out as "stroller friendly." Pedestrian safety is a first concern but memorable sights and interactions are noted, too.  We seek cultural, civic and naturalist institutions to be friends or partners as is Seattle Parks and Recreation.

Mountaineers who complete all five Seattle Olmsted 50 club walks or all seven Seattle Olmsted 70 club walks (and pass  a quiz) are eligible  for badges

The Seattle Olmsted Circuit has grown beyond a Seattle Mountaineers route as have our colleagues' similar long trails in San Francisco, Denver, Detroit, Boston and Philadelphia.

Some sections are now in All Trails with plans to create Google Maps routes.

 November 2023 marked the 120th Anniversary of Seattle City Council approving the Olmsted parks plan for Seattle which now ranks as one of the 10 best city parks in the U.S.