April Break Camp - Seattle - 2022

Youth Program

Spring Break Camp

Campers aged 6-12 are invited to join The Mountaineers during spring break to climb, hike, and explore!

Join the Mountaineers for a fun-filled week during spring break! Campers will get to try to climb, rappel, prusik, and belay, as well as learn outdoor skills and play lots of camp games. This break camp also features a hiking field trip to Bridal Veil Falls on Wednesday!

Hours are 9-4 Monday to Friday at the Seattle Program Center. Campers aged 6-12 are invited for the adventure. 


Program Requirements
Required Equipment
Program Materials
Program Requirements

This program has no scheduled activities.

Required Equipment
  • Lunch and snacks
  • Water bottle
  • Closed-toe shoes
  • Layers
Program Materials

There are no materials for this program.