Seattle MAC Alpine Scramble

Youth activity: Mountaineers Adventure Club

Seattle MAC Alpine Scramble - The Brothers/South Couloir

Join MAC for a scramble of a peak or summit in the Cascades which includes travel on rock, snow slopes, or has sections of steep off-trail terrain that is not easily categorized (such as scree, dirt, heather, etc). This trip has prerequisites, see leader's notes for details.

  • Strenuous 5, Technical 4, Basic Alpine Climb
  • Challenging
  • Mileage: 17.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 6,200 ft

Lena Lake Trailhead


- WFA  course/badge.

- All of the prerequisites up to and including Snow 1. Please see the Snow 1 activity for details on the prereq's leading up to that field trip. 

MAC students who have participated in alpine climbs will be allowed to participate in scrambles automatically - If the scramble will involve snow travel, at least one of those alpine climbs should be a glacier climb and if the scramble will involve more rock, the alpine climb should be an alpine rock route. The exact experience requirements are up to the discretion of the leader. 

Students wishing to sign up for a scramble should expect to submit a brief description of their experience at MAC workshops, on MAC alpine climbs or other scrambles, and any personal experience that is relevant.


The Brothers/South Couloir

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

See trip sheet for detailed packing list. 

Trip Reports