Hybrid Wilderness First Responder Course - Winter

5-day Hybrid Wilderness First Responder Course taught by Remote Medical Training, hosted by The Mountaineers.

Course Registration

The Wilderness First Responder (WFR) certification is considered the minimum standard for outdoor professionals working as guides, trip leaders, and outdoor educators; the course is also recommended for individual adventurers venturing beyond the realm of quick and easy 911 access. The course is a combination of self-study + 5 days in person that provides intermediate medical skills to individuals working or playing in remote environments. Through a hands-on and scenario-based approach, this course offers the skills and confidence needed to provide medical care when evacuation is hours or days away. The WFR includes short lectures, interactive labs, and realistic practice scenarios that train students to improvise with limited resources in remote environments. 

This Wilderness First Responder course is taught by instructors from Remote Medical Training. For more information on Remote Medical International or the course syllabus, see their website.

Seattle Program Center
7700 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115
Cascade A, Cascade B

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