Pigeon Guillemots: a seabird that measures the health of the Salish Sea
- Wed, Mar 13, 2019 from 07:00 PM to 09:00 PM
- Seattle Naturalists Committee
- Seattle
- iCal
The Pigeon Guillemot Research Group started in 2003 as a Whidbey Audubon chapter initiated citizen science project monitoring Pigeon Guillemot breeding activities around Whidbey Island. Govinda has been involved with the Guillemot Research Group since 2010. She's a certified Marbled Murrelet Monitor and a wildlife photographer. Govinda's photo rich account of the Pigeon Guillemots life cycle, behavioral habits, feeding sources, quirks and antics will entertain as she explains the Pigeon Guillemot Research Group’s 15 year study and why it’s important. The Whidbey Island study has now been replicated in other areas of the Salish Sea, and Govinda will summarize the different populations and why "the more the merrier".