Orca Health 2020: A #WeArePugetSound Virtual Event
- Thu, Jun 25, 2020 from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM
- Mountaineers Books
- The Mountaineers
- iCal
June is Orca month! Join us for another #WeArePugetSound web event at 12:00pm, June 25th, where we will hear from several members of the Orca Recovery Task Force who were instrumental in developing a suite of recommendations for action for the recovery of the Southern Resident orca population. Speakers will provide an update on the status of those recommendations. We’ll learn which actions are being implemented, which actions are showing signs of effectiveness, and which ones aren’t. They’ll provide opportunities for what we can do, as individuals and collectively, to improve the waters for the iconic Southern Resident orcas.
Joining the event will be:
- Mindy Roberts, Washington Environmental Council
- Rep. Debra Lekanoff, State Representative, 40th LD
- Amy Windrope, Deputy Director, Washington Fish and Wildlife Service
#WeArePugetSound is a book and campaign that has been building collective solutions for a healthy Salish Sea for people, wildlife, and the environment. You can get a copy of "We Are Puget Sound: Discovering and Recovering the Salish Sea" at Mountaineersbooks.org for a 25% discount using the code "TIMETOREAD."
Sponsored by Washington Environmental Council, Mountaineers Books, and Braided River
Top photo by Brandon Cole