How to open & close The Mountaineers Seattle Program Center

How to open & close The Mountaineers Seattle Program Center

What to Know the Day of Your Event
For most internal Mountaineers reservations there are no staff members on site during non-business hours so it is the committee leaders responsibility to have one or more volunteers on site to handle the event logistics which will include set-up/clean-up of the room and opening/closing the building. This policy has been implemented to reduce overhead costs and allow the facility to be used at a cheaper rate than would be otherwise. Staff will usually be provided for large scale quasi-internal events such as film festivals and large seminars. Please contact the events manager with any questions or concerns.

Opening and Closing the Building
It is imperative that the committee leaders communicate the opening/closing rule to their members so that arrangements can be made prior to the event date. It is the responsibility of the committee to ensure that someone with the ability to close is in attendance at every event. Please contact the facility or events manager to receive an alarm code, a key (if necessary) and to arrange an instructional walk through on the procedure. For your reference, here are the instructions:

1. Disarm volunteer alarm on white panel: CODE + 1 (OFF).

2. Unlock glass doors with hex key located under front counter and replace.

3. Turn on lobby lights (located by maintenance hallway)

1. Please tidy up the space you were using. This may include placing trash in bins, coiling ropes (Basement/Goodman C), and return climbing equipment to proper storage areas.

2. Check basement occupancy, people may remain downstairs once the building is armed but will need to exit through the exterior basement door that exits near the garage doors and use the basement bathroom.

3. Lock the basement door at the top of the stairs to prevent accidental alarm triggering.

4. CHECK ALL EXTERIOR DOORS. Actually push/pull on each of the Goodman Auditorium doors, lobby doors, and Cascade doors (if you can get into that room, that is). Use hex key under front counter to lock then replace (handle popped out when locked).  Push or pull on them to make sure they are latched. 

5. Shut off all lights
--In event spaces
--Lobby (switches located by the facilities hallway aka South Storage)

6. Set volunteer alarm on white panel: CODE + 2 (Away)

7. BYPASS for bad sensor : Code + 6 + Zone #

8. If a external door does not lock, use the chain beneath the counter to chain the door closed upon departure.

• Emergency contacts are listed next to the security panel.

• If you accidentally set off the security alarm, enter the code plus "off" (it is "1" on the keypad). Do this twice. Then call the FPI monitoring number located on the cover of the panel to report a false alarm. If you don't know the password (they will ask), contact one of the staff on the contact list (located near the panel) so they can call FPI to avoid a large service fee.

Set-Up and Break Down
Because of the limited staff on hand it volunteer events may be asked to break down the room for their own events. If help is needed, you will see a standing sign left in the room with instructions. Otherwise please tidy up the room upon your departure.

Building staff will ensure that the requested amount of tables and chairs are available in the room and handle all AV set-up and logistics. Please make sure to communicate your AV needs ahead of time because there is not access to the AV room after hours. If you happen to need more tables or chairs than were made available please feel free to help yourself.

• Round tables, wood 6’ tables, and grey fabric chairs are located in the north storage area of Goodman A (typically these are used in Goodman A&B)

• Plastic 6’ tables and smaller tables are located in the maintenance hallway off of the lobby area (typically these are used in the Cascade Room and Goodman C).

• When cleaning up please put the chairs in stacks of 10, and leave them in the room.

The following are examples of standard set-up styles as well as a brief description of the style of event they work best for:

• Theater style: Chairs only in rows facing the front of the room (usually where the projection screen is).
• Classroom: 6’ tables with 2 or 3 chairs per table facing the front of the room
• Conference: A rectangular or oval table set up with chairs around all sides and ends.
• Banquet: A round table with 8-10 chairs
A seating arrangement designed for large group events such as awards ceremonies, galas, and black-tie seated dinners.

Key Facility Rules
• The airwall divider should not be opened or closed unless you have had proper training. If you are interested, please contact the facility manager to arrange a time to learn. You may also use the QR code located by each airwall storage area. Scan the code and watch the short video.

• The only tape that should be used on the painted walls is blue painters tape. You are welcome to hang items from the acoustic panels with push pins.

• Signage can only be used in the room you are occupying, unless it’s a directional sign placed outside the entry door.