Lookouts and High Places July Hikes - Eunice Lake & Tolmie Peak Lookout

Field trip: Lookouts and High Places

Lookouts and High Places July Hikes - Eunice Lake & Tolmie Peak Lookout

A beautiful hike along two gorgeous alpine lakes leads to Tolmie Peak and 360 degree views of Rainier and the cascades. **Trip initially open to Lookouts and High Places Day Hiking Series students. Trip will open for registration to all Mountaineers 7 to 10 days prior to the hike date.**

  • Moderate
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 6.8 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 1,600 ft
  • High Point Elevation: 5,900 ft
  • Pace: 2 mph

6:30 am Wilkeson Town public parking where we will gear shuffle and pick up any riders.

Carpooling is encouraged but not required. Please reimburse drivers for mileage. 

All drivers must have a Mt. Rainier pass, senior, military or interagency pass. These can be purchased online or at any wilderness information center within Mt. Rainier National Park.

The road to Mowich Lake opens July 12, 2024. It can be rough so consider taking or riding in a higher vehicle with ample ground clearance. (4x4 not necessary)

Once we arrive at the trailhead, we'll take the Wonderland Trail along beautiful Mowich Lake to a viewpoint of the Carbon River Valley from Ipsut Pass. Continuing on at the junction for Eunice Lake and Tolmie Peak Trail, we'll climb steady to a gorgeous alpine lake and 360 degree view from Rainier to Puget Sound, the cascades and eastern portions of Mt. Rainier National Park.

* Required Gear/Supplies This early season hike might include wildflowers emerging and some icy spots so micro-spikes must be carried and are recommended as an 11 essential for the higher elevations. Boots are also required. Trekking poles highly recommended. At the fire lookout we'll find a view for lunch so bring your favorite plus snacks. Water 1.5L recommended.

** Goals Be safe, have fun, meet new people. We will take opportunities for a lot of photos so if you are looking for a fast training hike this might not be the right one for you.

*** Physical Requirements You should be able to walk 5-6 miles carrying a day pack with elevation comfortably.


Eunice Lake & Tolmie Peak Lookout

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

10 Essentials


Poles recommended


Extra clothing layers, moisture wicking, no cotton

Rain Gear

Trip Reports