TAC MAC Climbing/Camping Trip - Klipchuck Campground

Field trip: Mountaineers Adventure Club - Tacoma

TAC MAC Climbing/Camping Trip - Klipchuck Campground

Our big summer trip! Camping in the fabulous Washington Pass area of the North Cascades.

  • Fri, Jul 28, 2017 — Mon, Aug 7, 2017
  • Tacoma Youth Programs
  • Backpacking, Climbing
  • Basic Alpine
  • Youth
  • Moderate
  • 6 (10 capacity)
  • 6 (8 capacity)
  • 10 (10 capacity)
  • Cancellation & Refund Policy


We will stay at one of the campgrounds between Washington Pass and Mazama: Lone Fir, Klipchuck, or Early Winters. This will be our base camp for multiple activities including:



Alpine Rock Climbing at Washington Pass

Sport Climbing in Mazama

Scrambling & Mountaineering

and more!

We will be teaming up with Seattle MAC.

This trip has a big need for volunteer leaders! Come for a day, a weekend, or the whole trip! You'll get free camping, breakfast, and dinner.


Klipchuck Campground

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Camping equipment: tents, sleeping bags, sleeping pads, 

Personal equipment: Clothing, toiletries, lunches and snacks, $

Hiking equipment: Boots, 10 Es, backpack, water bottles

Climbing equipment: Harness, helmet, etc

A full list will be handed out and discussed closer to the trip.

Trip Reports