Meet The Mountaineers Info Session - Feb 20, 2025 (South Sound)

Meet The Mountaineers Info Session - Feb 20, 2025 (South Sound)

For new and potential members looking to learn more about what The Mountaineers has to offer.
  • Thu, Feb 20, 2025 from 06:30 PM to 08:30 PM
  • Advisory Council
  • The Mountaineers
  • iCal
56 ( 60 capacity)

Join us for our monthly Meet The Mountaineers information session! The 90-minute seminar consists of a brief (~10 mins) meet and greet with other new Mountaineers, then a presentation that covers our history and an overview of our courses and activities, including website tips and tricks and an overview of our most popular courses. We'll end with a short group Q&A, then have optional time for you to stay and mingle or ask additional questions.  

You do not need to be a member to attend. All are welcome. Come and bring friends. 

Lead image by Mike Forsyth.

Tacoma Program Center
2302 N 30th St, Tacoma, WA 98403
Great Hall
