Erika Warmbrunn

Erika Warmbrunn

Erika Warmbrunn’s short stories have appeared in New Ohio Review Online, Able Muse, and The Idaho Review. She is the author of Where the Pavement Ends, an award-winning account of her 8-month, 5,000-mile solo bicycle journey across Mongolia, China, and Vietnam. Without her bicycle, she has traveled to Côte d’Ivoire, Niger, Haiti, and Malawi to work with Médecins Sans Frontières / Doctors Without Borders. Closer to home, but much longer ago, she wrote and performed the simultaneous translations of the Moscow Sovremennik Theater’s productions of Three Sisters, Into the Whirlwind, and The Cherry Orchard in Seattle and/or on Broadway. For the past 25 years, Erika has lived in New York City and made a living as a Broadway stagehand, working on shows including Come From Away, Cabaret, and Anything Goes.
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