Course Badges

A list of our Course Badges with details about the skills you'll learn, how to obtain them, and how obtaining them helps you become a safer, more skilled participant, leader and instructor!
Coastal Navigation Course

Coastal Navigation Course

This badge represents successful completion of the Coastal Navigation course.

Following Alpine Rock Course

Following Alpine Rock Course

This badge represents successful completion of the Following Alpine Rock Course. This course prepares students for following a trad leader in an alpine multi pitch rock climbing environment. This course combined with the glacier travel course and alpine scramble course is equivalent to taking the Basic Alpine Climbing Course.

Following Alpine Rock Course Student

Following Alpine Rock Course Student

This badge represents enrollment in the Following Alpine Rock Course. This course prepares students for following a trad leader in an alpine multi pitch rock climbing environment. This course combined with the glacier travel course and alpine scramble course is equivalent to taking the Basic Alpine Climbing Course.

Racing Course

Racing Course

This badge represents successful completion of the Racing Course.

Mobile Photography Course

Mobile Photography Course

This badge represents successful completion of the Mobile Photography course.

Basic Canyon Course

Basic Canyon Course

The holder of this badge has graduated from The Mountaineers Basic Canyon Course or has demonstrated equivalent knowledge and experience.

Intermediate Canyon Course

Intermediate Canyon Course

The holder of this badge has graduated from The Mountaineers Intermediate Canyon Course or has demonstrated equivalent knowledge and experience.

Assistant Canyon Leader Course

Assistant Canyon Leader Course

The holder of this badge has graduated from The Mountaineers Assistant Canyon Leader Course or has demonstrated equivalent knowledge and experience.

Avalanche Rescue Course

Avalanche Rescue Course

This badge represents successful completion of an AIARE Avalanche Rescue Course.

Introduction to Backcountry Skiing

Introduction to Backcountry Skiing

The holder of this badge has completed an introductory course in backcountry skiing.

Backcountry Trail Running Course Student

Backcountry Trail Running Course Student

This badge represents that someone has enrolled in the Backcountry Trail Running Course and is in the process of learning its skills.

Naturalist Leadership Training Course

Naturalist Leadership Training Course

The holder of this badge has successfully completed our Naturalist Leadership Training course

Backcountry Trail Running Course

Backcountry Trail Running Course

This badge represents successful completion of the Backcountry Trail Running Course.

Branch & Committee Chair Leadership Seminar

Branch & Committee Chair Leadership Seminar

This badge represents successful completion of our Branch & Committee Chair leadership training.

Bikepacking Course

Bikepacking Course

This badge represents that the holder has completed The Bikepacking Course.

Bikepacking Course Student

Bikepacking Course Student

This badge represents that someone has enrolled in The Bikepacking Course and is in the process of learning its skills.

Moss & Lichen Course

Moss & Lichen Course

The holder of this badge has successfully completed our Moss & Lichen Course  and/or has demonstrated proficiency in the following skills: identifying  up to 35 mosses, several liverworts, and 10 or more common lichens using a visual key designed for the course.

Moss & Lichen Student

Moss & Lichen Student

This badge indicates student status in a Moss & Lichen Course

Backpacking Course Student

Backpacking Course Student

The holder of this badge is enrolled in our Backpacking Course

Introduction to the Natural World - Student

Introduction to the Natural World - Student

The holder of this badge is enrolled in our Introduction to the Natural World Course and is working towards proficiency in identification of basic flowers, shrubs, trees, birds, mammals, butterflies and other forms of life.