Leader Resources Blog

Leader Resources Blog

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Understanding Treaty Rights in Today's Landscape: A Tulalip Perspective - Oct 19

The Mountaineers is excited to partner with Tulalip Tribes for a one-day workshop to discuss recreation and treaty rights. This is a unique and special invitation for our community to meet with tribal leaders to learn about their culture and connection to the local landscape. Read more…

Join us at the 2019 Wilderness Risk Management Conference

How do industry trends affect, shape, and impact our programs at The Mountaineers? If this is a question that you've ever considered – and a conversation that you're interested in being a part of – we invite you to join The Mountaineers at this year's Wilderness Risk Management Conference in Albuquerque, NM. Read more…

An Open Letter to Recent Glacier Climbing Grads

I have had the honor and privilege of mentoring women in their first steps into glacier mountaineering for the past three years. I take this awesome responsibility very seriously.

I always have feelings upon sending new mountaineering mentees into the world. Are they ready? Did I teach them enough? Are they going to be okay? In an open letter to this year's mountaineering family (and new climbers in general), I strive to offer words of wisdom to take them wherever they go next. Read more…

Setting Expectations: Getting a Positive Outcome for the Whole Group

I am an active hike leader with The Mountaineers, and I occasionally hear from participants who are disappointed that a trip didn’t meet their expectations. Sometimes that stems from the way the trip was listed and sometimes it comes from a participant who isn’t familiar with the culture of the club. Either way, it usually results from a misalignment in goals and expectations between the trip leader and participant(s). Read more…

Gathering Climbers' Feedback To Define New Leadership Progression

Our students and volunteer climbers tell us year after year that there are not enough trips and not enough leaders. The process to become a climb leader is not well defined or outlined, and many potential new leaders may not know where to go or how to start down a leadership path. To solve this problem, the Progressive Climbing Education (PCE) Leadership Development Committee (LDC) is working to identify new leadership roles in Mountaineers climbing in an effort to reduce barriers, increase available climbs, and ease the burden on our already busy volunteers.  Read more…

Essential Eligibility Criteria & Service Animal Policy

The Mountaineers values diversity – including persons with diverse abilities – in its programs. While we do not specialize in integrating persons with disabilities into our programs, we encourage people of all abilities to consider participating in Mountaineers programming. Read more…

How To: Cross-Promote Other Committees as a Trip Leader

I belong to several committees in The Mountaineers (photography, naturalists, and hiking), and I work hard to integrate the work of all of our committees into each of my trips. I do this because participants, like leaders, have varied interests, and the more we showcase the great offerings of The Mountaineers, the more engaged our participants will be! Read more…

Facilitated Access Permitting: What Mountaineers Leaders Need to Know

The complex landscape of permitting rules and regulations can be difficult to navigate as a Mountaineers leader. To help make things clearer, we've created a series of pages describing the various permit processes pertaining to Mountaineers activities, all organized by land manager. Read more…

Let's celebrate! 2019 National Volunteer Week

For the entirety of our 113-year history, volunteers have been at the heart of The Mountaineers mission. From big to small, nearly every aspect of what we do is powered by our volunteers! We truly cannot thank you enough for your leadership and service, and we're excited to have another opportunity to celebrate your hard-work and accomplishments during the 2019 National Volunteer Week! Read more…

Language Matters: Let's Stop Using the Slang Word For Carabiner

Many people use an abbreviated slang word in climbing without consideration or afterthought. This word is frequently used alongside other words like rope, harness, and belay. If you search on the Internet for this word, the first 5-10 results would reference the term to describe a piece of standard climbing gear. Countless climbing websites recognize the slang word as a standard, and our basic climbing students are even indoctrinated with its common use. And all of us are wrong. Read more…

Leader Spotlight: Lisa Hayek

For our Leader Spotlight this month we talked to Lisa Hayek, a hike and backpack leader with the Tacoma Branch who loves getting to know members with a wide variety of backgrounds and interests. Read more…

Join Us for a Leadership Development Series Seminar

As a part of our Vision 2022 strategic plan, The Mountaineers is committed to leading innovation in outdoor education. A key component of this initiative is investing in our volunteer leaders, the heart and soul of our vibrant organization. Read more…

How To: Deal With A Smash and Grab

On Monday, February 11, a quick jaunt to a local park in the Issaquah Alps to enjoy the fresh snow on skis had a less-than-happy ending. The snow itself was delightfully powdery, and the skiing was memorable and fun! But when the fun ended, we came back to a smashed car window, with items stolen from the vehicle, and yet another nasty surprise awaiting us: our home had been burglarized as well. Read more…

Leader Spotlight: Krissy Fagan

For our Leader Spotlight this month we talked to Krissy Fagan, a climb leader with the Bellingham Branch who is learning to appreciate the many different speeds of mountaineering ... but who still prefers a good sufferfest! Read more…

Leader Spotlight: Debbee Lynn Straub

For our Leader Spotlight this month we talked to Debbee Lynn Straub, a volunteer leader with the Kitsap Branch who co-chairs the Basic Climbing course and believes that outdoor adventure is all about camaraderie. Read more…

Leader Spotlight: Karen Wallace

For our Leader Spotlight this month we talked to Karen Wallace, a volunteer leader with the Foothills Branch who is inspired to get newer members out on the trail, encouraging them to become advocates for the outdoors! Read more…

Leader Spotlight: Ginger Sarver

For our Leader Spotlight this month we talked to Ginger Sarver, a volunteer leader with the Olympia Branch who loves hiking and dove head-first into leading stewardship activities with The Mountaineers! Read more…

Leader Spotlight: Atsuko Yamaguchi

For our Leader Spotlight this month we talked to Atsuko Yamaguchi, a volunteer leader with the Everett Branch who encourages all group members to be active participants! Read more…

Leader Spotlight: Lonny Moore

For our Leader Spotlight this month we talked to Lonny Moore, a volunteer leader with the Kitsap Branch who loves to sing 80's medleys and wear Leader Yellow. Read more…

Leader Spotlight: Lisa Loper

For our Leader Spotlight this month we talked to Lisa Loper, a volunteer leader with the Everett Branch who believes that every person you meet in the mountains has something to teach you. Read more…

Leader Spotlight: Nancy Lloyd

For our Leader Spotlight this month we talked to Nancy Lloyd, a volunteer leader with the Olympia Branch who loves spending time in the mountains and encourages leaders to set the right tone for their trip through thorough communication! Read more…

2018 Recap: A Year In Review

It is no secret that volunteers are at the absolute core of The Mountaineers success. Nearly everything we do is driven by volunteer initiative and support, and it’s humbling to dive into our annual numbers and take a look at our collective impact. Read more…

Impact Giving | Building a Culture of Philanthropy: One Pie at a Time

For Mountaineers member Matt Ray, the most transformational experiences of his life happened at a summer camp in the North Woods of Wisconsin. Part traditional sports camp and part old-fashioned sleepaway camp, PorterCamp offers a safe space for campers and staff to build a better understanding of who they are, while learning to develop healthy relationships and having a lot of fun in the process. Matt attended as a boy, and has since committed over half of his life volunteering to ensure today’s young campers experience the same magic he did more than three decades ago. Read more…

2018 Leadership Conference - It’s a Wrap!

The Mountaineers hosted our fifth annual Leadership Conference on Saturday, December 1 at the Seattle Program Center. It was an outstanding day of leadership development for our volunteer community - thank you to everyone joined us! Read more…

Wilderness Risk Management Conference Recap - 2018

The Wilderness Risk Management Conference (WRMC) is an annual gathering of outdoor professionals that creates an unparalleled opportunity for experts from throughout the industry to share knowledge and best practices. We were lucky that this year's conference was so close to home - just down the road in Portland, OR - which allowed us the opportunity to send a group of fourteen staff and volunteers to learn and share on behalf of our organization. Read more…

Outside Insight | A Life of Adventure Education: An interview with Ken Wylie

A massive avalanche buried thirteen climbers below La Traviata peak near Revelstoke, British Columbia in 2003, killing seven in its wake. It made international headlines. Ken Wylie was among those buried; he escaped with guilt weighing heavily on his conscience, as he was one of the mountain guides responsible for decision-making on that trip. Ken wrote a popular book titled, Buried, about his experience surviving that avalanche, and the soul-searching life lessons which ensued. I have been learning from Ken for almost twenty years - starting at Outward Bound, then at the Wilderness Risk Management Conference, and most recently as a speaker at our Mountaineers Leadership Conference in 2017, where he gave a profoundly moving presentation about leadership, loss, and the healing that comes from courageous vulnerability. I sat down with him to learn more from his experience. Read more…

Leader Spotlight: Rena Chinn

For our Leader Spotlight this month we talked to Rena Chinn, a volunteer leader with the Seattle Branch who encourages others leaders to develop a clear sense of their capabilities and limitations, and to lead within the scope of their skill base. Read more…

Urban Speed Hiking With Liz Thomas

With the sun about to kiss the horizon, Liz Thomas, trail name: “Snorkel,” has places to go and needs the last rays of the day to illuminate her path. She is ascending and descending steps in Seattle, one of the hilliest and most publicly staircased cities in the country. This is not a task to be executed, at her pace, in complete darkness. Read more…

How To: Hike Healthy As You Age

On Monday, August 13, 2018, I attended a free presentation at REI by Dr. Michael Domingo, DPT, OCS entitled "Exercises for Healthy Hiking". I learned a lot about how to stay active in the outdoors as you enter your 'wiser years', and with Dr. Domingo's permission I want to share those tips with you. Read more…

Leadership on the Water: An Interview with Tom Unger

Tom Unger has been hiking, climbing, skiing, paddling, and sailing up and down the west coast for 25 years. He’s widely praised by students and participants for his outstanding communications, group facilitation, instruction, and collaborative leadership. In the summer of 2017, Tom led a two-week trip with The Mountaineers around Cape Scott with Barney Bernhard, Esther Ladwig, Marty Mayock, Charlie Michel, and Karen Cramer. In this interview, Tom discusses how he intentionally brought his group together around common goals, expectations, and trip styles. Read more…